![]() Cynthia Sue Larson |
“You have within you
more love
than you could ever understand.”
One thing that seldom gets covered in mainstream news is the difference we can make for ourselves and others when we live our lives based on wisdom. It's been said that:
“Fear has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run, or
Face Everything And Rise.”
Clearly, the choice is ours when we remember that we have a choice—when we remember that we are both Observers and Actors in our lives. We can thus rise above our own perceived sense of limitations, through the power of Observation. Wisdom can be ours when we activate our Observer capability that allows us to remember what's real. With wisdom, we can remember that we care about each other. With wisdom we can respect that our existence depends on truly miraculous Nature. With wisdom, we can drop whatever fear, anger, or sorrow-based narratives we have been clinging to, and remember and choose to invite and experience more goodness, beauty, kindness, joy and love in our lives.
This rising above can be thought of as rising up through levels of consciousness within ourselves. All the levels of self that comprise us are working to create the experiences and events in our lives. We have conscious awareness of some of these levels of consciousness that correspond with the tips of our toes to the tops of our heads—yet we are unaware of both our subconscious levels of consciousness, and our highest levels of consciousness. Sometimes it can seem like the parts of ourselves we have least conscious access to are running the show. For example, we might notice that we tend to experience whatever our subconscious needs and requires, even when it's not part of what we'd thought we wanted. And likewise, whatever our High Selves choose for us is likely to occur as well. The range of choices open to us thus corresponds with the parts of ourselves that we have conscious awareness of. This is where we can become aware of our ability, for example, to stop feeling stress, through focused meditation or prayer. From a detached, yet entangled-with-love state of mind, we are capable of making choices for reality selection based on a foundation of neutral emotional state–feeling relaxed, and accepting with a sense of faith. With all of these qualities, whatever we truly need can instantly be ours, almost as if by magic. We often can notice that this seems to work best when we forget we asked for something in the first place (when we truly release our focus of attention on what we're hoping for). And when things don't seem to be going all that well, it's just good to remember to ask to be able to experience “the silver lining”—the good aspect that might go unnoticed, when we're not actively seeking it out, by asking “How good can it get?”
I invite you to explore some truly amazing reality shifts over the past twenty plus years of reporting them in RealityShifters, and any time you'd like to remind yourself of some of the remarkable changes we've witnessed, I welcome you to browse through a few issues, and fall in love with the wonder and magic of life.
Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com