Escape room is a popular game in North America, Asia and Europe. Later it got popularity in other countries as well. Escape room game is a puzzled mystery game, in which you have to solve the mystery of the game in limited amount of time. Time given to solve the game is sixty minutes. One has to complete the game in this time frame and have to escape from the room. Escape rooms are theme based rooms, these rooms are designed as per the requirements of game. Escape Room Bay Area is a team game, with between two and ten players per team. They play the game as a team and try to solve the mystery of game from the clues that are given.
The Game Play of Escape games
Escape rooms are purposefully made and need to book in advance. These rooms are full with hidden clues to solve the mysterious game. You can find the clue anywhere like under the carpet, on the wall, in the flower vase. You and your team need to understand these clues to solve the game. Escape room theme is inspired by a video game and name of this video game is also Escape the room. Other names of escape games are exit game, live escape, room escape etc.
As the name suggests Escape room, it means you have to escape the room in your limited time frame but sometimes this game is not confined to single room only, in that case solving the game is more important rather than escaping.
Some Hints For Playing The Escape Games
At the starting of game, there is a short briefing about the game and how to win. Games are set at various fictional locations inside the escape room bay area, players challenges are like to find these clues and understand them in order to win the game.
If a team get stuck in the room and couldn’t find or understand the clues then Game master intervene and help the team by a short briefing.
If a team has lost the game, then they will be notified by game operator and will be escorted out of the room.
If a team has won the game within limited time and escaped the room successfully, they will be declared winner of the game.
Variety of games
Escape games are real life adventures virtual game. You will experience a real life experience inside the bay rooms. Escape rooms are also called bay rooms. You can find so many challenging and puzzled games inside the escape rooms. It’s up to you which type of game you want to take. Following are list of some popular games.
- Prison break game
In this game you will be kept in jail for a crime you haven’t committed and you have to come out of the jail within limited time and you will be using given clues to set yourself free.
- Murder game escape
Again you have to escape yourself from a murder mystery which you may or may not have committed by you.
These are examples to make you understand the nature of game. There are many more games available to book and play.
If you are interested in playing any of escape games you can login to website zescapegames.Com, and book your room. You have to book escape room bay area online.
Who can play?
Escape games are real life fun and takes you to a brain storming session. If you like mental challenges, which may drive you crazy then you, are at right place. You will love to solve these mysterious games as it involves brain twisting. Anyone can play these games from kids to adult as it benefits everyone.
Benefits of playing escape games
It increases power of mind, develop thinking ability and enhance problem solving approach. Kids to adult both can be benefited from these games. You can play these games with your family as it is team game, in this way you can involve your family as well and can spend quality time with them. These days life is fast and time is short, hence it is good idea to book a escape room and involve yourself with family and friends. It is also good a source of entertainment on weekends. You can refresh yourself by playing these games. Escape room games involve both fun and challenges.
Now most of the schools are approaching escape rooms for their student’s outings. These games promote communication among students, and also improve critical and logical thinking. Students can also learn how to decipher information and assemble it to solve a puzzle. When you are playing escape room games, you have to complete the task in a limited amount of time, in this way you can learn time management skills as well. So these are the benefits of playing escape room games.
Team building
Probably the most important outcome an escape game can bring to a team is bonding. Co-worker can mixed up together to improve their bonding. It benefits the organization as a team. Games like escaping prison together or robbing a bank helps to mixed up well and makes your bonding strong.
When it comes to teenager groups, we can understand how important their friendship can be. These teenagers can play escape room games to make their bond and understanding stronger.
Some other benefits of escape room games are…
- Increase memory and its capacity
- Improves social ability and communication as a social animal
- Increases your level of happiness and satisfaction
When there are several benefits of playing escape room games some drawbacks are also there. If you loose the game or couldn’t complete the task, you may feel disappointed. It may lead to frustration or anger. Similarly if you loved the game you will come to play again and again and it may become kind of addiction. It might be possible that whenever you get free time, you go straight away to play escape games. Due to this you might don’t get time for other real life physical activities.
Escape room playing is fun. Keep playing and enjoy at Escape Room Bay Area.