We can gain a special kind of inspiration, guidance, and intuitive insight by envisioning we're receiving help from our Best Possible Future Selves.
Lessons from Future Self
One of my favorite ways to stay positively focused, optimistic, and inspired is to stay aware of the presence of loving, divine wisdom ever-present in our lives. And this presence can be highly personal and trustworthy–it can be a relationship with your Best Possible Future Self.
For all of my adult life, I've been aware of the reality of my Best Possible Future Self, since meeting my future self back in 1978 when I was a teenager. She float-walked into my bedroom, entering through my mirrored closet doors, non-verbally telepathically communicating comforting messages of love. I thought I was just dreaming, but later found that some special items–hand-written love letters–were missing from the secret place I'd hidden them in my roll-top desk's lower drawer. Her visit was a mystery to me, and is still quite enigmatic and ephemeral to this day–yet one of the lasting gifts to me from her appearance is my faith in our ability to nurture our relationships with our Best Possible Future Selves.
For many years I thought my future self would return those letters to me at some point in time. I still have the same roll-top desk, providing opportunity for the return of these items, no questions asked. Yet so far, this has not happened. Some conceptualizations of the way quantum physics might allow for time travel via closed time-like curves can provide an explanation for that, since it's not necessary for the teenage version of me that I remember to have met an older future version of me who I remember. In fact, I might never have the experience of being the Future Me who float-walks through that mirror closet door at all.
My current view of my very real first experience with my future self is that my future self was providing gentle guidance to me, without directly influencing my free agency and free will to do whatever seemed right for me. I sense that my future self was giving me unspoken permission to ‘change my stars,' and not consider myself locked into any situation, but rather instead to acknowledge that change is ever-present, and I can best honor changes in myself and others by learning to not be overly clingy, but instead ready and willing to let go.
The advantages of such relationships with our future selves are truly enormous; we can benefit from guidance, inspiration, protection, and support by someone who knows and understands us best–our Best Possible Future Selves.
Connecting with Best Possible Future You
Typically any time we are feeling weighed down by whatever the problems of the moment seem to be, our idea of who we are in that exact moment is not the fullness and greatness that at other times we know ourselves to be.
Honestly, there are many versions of ourselves, with many moods and personalities and characteristics. We see some of these when we feel we are being pressured by constraints of time or resources–and we get a chance to rise above those challenges, or perhaps fall back into familiar patterns.
You might acknowledge that there is a part of you who is fun-loving and enjoyable to be around.
There is a possibly more hidden part of you who is loving, fearless, radiant, joyful–coming from a vantage point of infinite and eternal wisdom, far above the everyday perspective of typical human everyday life.
Your Best Possible Future Self comes from this Higher Self vantage point, with the ability to provide you with wonderful guidance, brilliant inspiration, and steady emotional and energetic support.
Just knowing that your Best Possible Future Self might be truly real, and might truly be accessible by you–can be life changing.
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As always, I encourage you to ask my favorite question any time you get the opportunity:Â “How good can it get?”
And I invite you to watch the companion video to this blog at: