By Michael John Fierro
Election Day in the United States is Tuesday, November 6, 2018. This day is a 28/1 Universal Day within an 11/2 Universal Year. The key words and phrases for the 28/1 include high ideals and standards, contradictions, competition, surprise, unusual events, leadership, originality, initiative, new beginning, pioneering, independence, reaping rewards, perfected justice for all and, work, concepts and ideas that are ‘crowned with success.'
The underlying 1 is an indication of a sharp-pointed force that brings expansion and initiative. Under this vibration lies the potential for new starts and actions that will require determination and self-reliance. As individuals, we must look at things with a broad vision and use our innate abilities to help create new ideas and perspectives that will enable us to correct that which is wrong with our system and society. Leadership is a key focus of the 1 and it is a leadership that must be imbued with courage, willpower, and the ability to be decisive in any, and all areas that require our attention. This is a day during which new ideas may occur to people, giving them pause before making their final decisions on voting.
The 28 represents perfected justice. Justice that has the opportunity to reap rewards for all in a fair and equitable fashion. Through the application of the laws of justice we will be able to enjoy successes and honor in our endeavors. This success carries with it the mantle of leadership and the requirement that we become pioneering in a new and progressive way. Originality and initiative are keys to this vibration, as the old concepts are swept away to make way for the new. Authority must be wielded with balance so the seeds of a better way that are planted are given the opportunity to take root and flourish. “As we sow, so shall we reap.”
Of course, the competition referenced in the first paragraph also means that there are, and will be, opposing viewpoints and ideas of the direction we should take. If we apply the energy of the 11/2 of the Universal Year we will be better able to view both sides of any disagreement with intelligence and fairness, while working together to find solutions that will serve the greater good. And, this is an important codicil…serving the greater good. We must move beyond the petty partisanship and bickering and come together as one, large, very diverse nation while maintaining the principles on which this country was founded. We must learn to work together without extreme emotions from any quarter. Good judgment is key. A discerning and wise use of facts will go a long way towards helping us get through the rough times.
Another aspect of the 11/2 that is at play is the fact that the 11 is an exalted position of the 2 and that all things related to the numbers are amplified and magnified. As a Master Number, the 11 requires us to be guided by our better selves while looking to inspire and teach one another. Both the 11 and the 2 possess a strong, female affiliation and as I wrote in my yearly forecast, this is the ‘year of the woman' and it would be a wonderful idea if we all allowed the divine feminine energy that is an inherent part of Mother Earth and our world, to be allowed to step forward and re-claim its rightful place in and of ownership and leadership of our nation and of nations around the globe.
Also to be considered, is the fact that the United States is in a 22/4 Personal Year (a year for building a strong foundation and structure for the world we desire) and that November 6, 2018 is a 3 Personal Day for America. The 3 represents words, written and spoken. Express yourself with your vote and your advocacy. As always with the 3 we must be vigilant about any third-party manipulation or interference of our election whether that manipulation and/or interference comes from within our borders, or outside of them.
The negative aspect of the 28/1 cautions us to be aware and prepared for any events that appear suddenly during the day. Our ability to judge fairly without becoming too emotional will be called upon. We must remember that good judgment is essential in all that we do. Another caution is to be wary of the people who believe that they, and only they, have all the answers, as they may very well resort to some form of rash behavior in order to inflict their will and protect themselves in the process. Any potential progress will be negated by not using our best judgment in making decisions.
In summary, we are at a pivotal time in our nation's history. The decisions we make today, and throughout the year will have long-lasting impacts on our lives and our future. The choice is yours. Each and every one of you. Your vote is your voice. Decide on the type of country in which you would choose to live and get out there and let your voice be heard.
I wish each of you peace. May your decisions be blessed with the greatest love and light imaginable.
Blessings of Love & Light
Michael John Fierro
© 2018, Michael John Fierro. Reproduction only with permission of the author.