Source: Eckhart Tolle
In this wonderful video, Eckhart Tolle responds to this request: “Please explain what the divine purpose of the universe is.”
You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. You are here both to be and to become in varying degrees.
Below are a few of the key ideas from Eckhart’s talk:
The Universe wants to awaken consciousness (in general) coming into this dimension. ..But the Divine Purpose is two-fold:
- One, is the Universe delights in creation, …creativity, …creating new forms…. It delights in experiencing itself THROUGH those forms. …ONE life expressing itself through countless life forms…
- TWO, the Universe also wants to know its own source…it wants ‘source-realization’. … There is an outgoing movement into creation, but there is a return movement where it wants to realize itself, and its essence through YOU. The Universe wants both. …
The return movement expresses as coming totally into the present moment, stepping away from becoming, into BEING.
BECOMING is the outward movement, … BEING is the return, the BE STILL and BE in this present moment and go deeply into just BEING.
For us, it means finding balance between the two.
For outward movement, create not from a place of Egoic need, … create from a playful participation in the world of form without losing oneself in the creation or the DOING aspect.
There are those who simply hold the frequency of the planet. (He calls them) ‘frequency-holders’ … they are more into BEING, than DOING.
There are those who are more into creation and DOING, but they must maintain their playfulness (to do so without ego fixation).
So the Divine Purpose of the Universe is to know itself, both through the creation of form and the realization of the formless essence (the Source itself). …And YOU are here as part of that (process).