Most people attribute their body sizes and types to genetics, which makes sense to some degree. The same happens when they develop strange health conditions. Unbeknown to them, you can leverage the same genetics to give you a better understanding of how your health is a product of what you eat, as well as the lifestyle you lead to improve the quality of your life.
That is exactly what DnaNudge is all about. It is a fascinating technology that enables individuals to stay ahead of their health by giving their bodies exactly what they require. It offers valuable solutions for persons facing challenges of food shopping, to ensure that only healthy foods are consumed throughout.
How DnaNudge Works
For everything to work out right, you will have to supply DnaNudge with a sample of your DNA. There are two ways through which you can give out your sample. Either visit the company headquarters in Covent Garden, London, or apply for a home test kit via mail. The first option does not sit well with most people, but if you happen to visit the store, a special purpose-built machine is used to specifically analyze the aspects of your DNA affected by nutrition. The process takes approximately 40 minutes to establish your genetic code.
The code is fed into a small module that can be worn as a wrist band and prepared for use on a mobile app associated with the firm. What DnaNudge does is that it uses the data points extracted from your DNA to examine whether you’re predisposed to heart disease, diabetes, or related conditions. The app then notifies you where you need to be more cautious, as there are some aspects that are likely to exasperate existing conditions or increase the risk of developing them later.
DnaNudge has been designed in an easy-to-understand manner, where foods that are likely to impact you negatively show up in a red color. On the other hand, foods that your body can cope with are indicated in green. When an amber color is shown, it means there is need to exercise caution. The beauty of it is that all foods are analyzed at an individual level, meaning that there is zero chance of risky errors. The wrist band also doubles up as a fitness tracker, so the app is able to access your activity during the day, which affects what foods it bars or allows you to have.
Eating for your genes
DnaNudge is meant to transform, and even to save lives to some extent. However, it should never be interpreted as a quick fix for weight loss. What you should know is that the app does not require your age or weight to operate, as every single detail is based on your DNA. Ideally, it is meant to make evaluations based on your daily activities and the choices of food you make. The emphasis is on educating and advising users to consume foods that are safe for optimum health. Eating for your genes, combined with healthy lifestyle choices can have far reaching positive effects, one of which is weight loss.
Disclaimer: Content from the website and blog is not intended to be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information provided on this website is intended for general consumer understanding and is NOT intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. As health and nutrition research continuously evolves, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any information presented on this website.