Posted By Irina Slav | New Historian
A new study of early humans has challenged one of the main tenets of Darwin’s evolutionary theory, the idea of the survival of the fittest, by suggesting compassion and the ability to accommodate “defective” members of the community actually played a significant role in how humans developed.
The study, by anthropologists Isabelle Winder and her father Nick Winder, focused on small and isolated populations of early humans who were forced to mate in ways that had a negative effect on the diversity of the gene pool. In spite of the inherent risks, they managed not only to survive but also to advance by overcoming the challenges represented by defective genes. The authors call their hypothesis the ‘Vulnerable Ape’ model, in which the central idea is that it wasn’t the individuals with the strongest and healthiest genes that had the best survival chances, but the ones who could survive despite their “weak” genes and even turn them into advantages.
Some of these “defective” genes was responsible for hominins having to cope with hair-free skin or with straight feet that made climbing trees much more difficult. What allowed them to cope with these defects was the compassion of other members of the community, and the ability to innovate, the ability to learn new behavior and the willingness to experiment, the Winders believe. The need for socialization must also have played a lead part in this, writes
Aren’t we forgetting that after the start of evolution, humans eventually introduced collective warfare as a force to be reckoned with. After humans cut the umbilical chord which connected us to the rest of the animal kingdom,…we introduced once again in Evolution, Tactical Warfare which has now evolved into Suicidal Warfare. Compassion has been reduced to Romantic Idealism. In a chaotic universe the invention of evolution is sitting in the hands of the merciless force of Constant Catastrophe.
But even in that chaos, that seems to work in a fractal manner, there is still a trend toward harmonic organization. Our thoughts have an impact on this, too, within the quantum fields. In the last 20-30 years, scientists are seeing that community is more the norm than chaos, LaMarcke was more right than previously thought and that our thoughts have some control over biology. As a BioAcoustic Soundhealth practition, I have also seen how analysis of the body’s vocal frequencies and entraining the body to its needed frequencies impact our physical, emotional and sometimes even spiritual body. The elites and very concrete seem to thrive on the chaos found within the survival of the fittest mentality because, if they can keep you stuck there, you fall for their concocted dualities (Republicans vs. Democrats, conservatives vs. liberals vs. libertarian, black vs. white, male vs. female, etc.), their rich man wars (which they fund and – profit from – before, during and after) and the fear anger and resentment that they foment from creating a Red Scare, a War on Terrorism, droughts, false flags, et al. Many of us regular people may feel comfortable to stay in that mentality because it is so familiar, but the extra effort to think beyond it to a more holistic mentality, where you actually have more control over controlling the future through the power of your thoughts and actions, will help.
because darwin is not a believer of the teaching in the Holy Bible
That wasn’t exactly true either. Please read.
well how come he believe in the evolution
Edgardo Cabos Because Genesis is obviously a fairy tale.
He saw evidence for it in his voyage in the Beagle. Eduardo, I encourage you to read about that voyage.
know thanks The Holy Bible is enough fot me with the almighty God’a help
Believe in GOD before its to late
Edgardo, have you read the Bible yourself, or have you believed what someone told you was written? Like you believe what someone told you Darwin wrote? When you talk about “too late” that’s probably not the Bible, that’s someone scaring you! Open your mind and heart, for example, read the Song of Songs.
Yes sir and you or any body else will stop me from believing to God you know you should read it its better to believe in God
such a brainwashed individual, the bible buddy was created by constantine the roman emporer around 300 years after the death of christ, the bible was put together by the government of the day in NAY or YAY votes just like politicians do today, the religious leaders of the time were gathered together in a money making exercise by the government of which constantine the roman emporer made money from publicising it, 50 books were left out of the bible because they were the most interesting, books of how mary magdalene talked to jesus about the ascension to heaven, of which was left out of the bible because of sexism of the day and that how could jesus talk to mary magdalene and not a man so that book was left out, other books left out were the book of judas , which talks of jesus not being betrayed by judas but it was a collaborative thing being handed in to the romans, also another book left out was one that talked of churches and religion not being in gods plan and that the true following of christ is supposed to be a personal journey, now the agnostics of the day they believe in God but dont believe necesserily in the relion following or beliefs but believe in god, well the agnostics complained that the bibles not included should be included, those agnostics were rounded up and executed, now interewstinf how they slipped into the bible anyone changing the words of the bible shall be cursed etc,,, very funny, i thought, mate bible is basically a government publication, and guess what darwin as well was on government salary and furthermore darwin was believed to have been christian at the end of his life and he denounced his work, sorry mate, Darwin was lies, God is lies, the bible is lies, the most interesting thing is how you have become brainwashed to believe fake idealism, have you thought that the angels talked of in the bible who come down in the sky on sapphires etc may be actually something more like alien life??? anyway continue with your brainwashing
The editors of New Historian and Conscious Life News should read Darwin who believed from his observations that cooperation and competition were equal drivers of natural selection and stated it in Origin of Species. Grabbing a sensational headline misleads people. Please don’t.
Darwin mentions love 96 times in the Decent of Man, he mentions survival of the fittest 2ce. He believed love and compassion to be invaluable tools for the development of our species. That little bump you get in your throat when you see people helping others… Why the hairs on your neck stand on end when you see something inspiring… They’re survival mechanisms to make sure we feel good about helping each other and do it as often as possible.
I was going to write something similar. Thanks for doing it instead.
love and compassion dont exist its fake , the faster you realise this the better
Why do so many idiots think that ‘survival of the fittest’ means we should kill the weak? A society that cooperates has a greater chance of survival, making them fitter than a society without morality.
They misunderstand the word ‘fittest’ in this context. It actually just means the survival of those most able to survive due to all factors. If it was only the strongest and healthiest I think our physiology today would reflect a stronger healthier animal when really that isn’t the case
Jarrad Hurley Yeah, that’s it. You can tell the dumb ass author thought they’d created some kind of ‘gotcha’ argument against Darwin, but really they were just responding to a strawman.
Fuck Darwin. I blame him for the current state of our world. So many people believe his theories, and use them to justify their actions.
Believe misinformation about his theories.
You’re thinking of religion.
I really don’t think so. Religious or not, people are still following the same hierarchical system that puts males at the top. Males have many biological disadvantages when it comes to leading. High testosterone is not a good thing, because a high sex drive means more war due to the tribal nature. Maybe we would have been better off as a monarchy, because then, we would have had more female rulers, and our history would have been less bloody and more balanced.
So, no. I’m not thinking of religion.
Patriarchy then. Enjoy man hating and not shaving your pits.
Laine Walker Do you think men go to war as a form of recreation or something? Wars are fought for resources. Now before you go saying that women would cordially barter with eachother for resources (when most of the time two women wearing the same dress can’t even sit in the same room without clawing eachothers eyes out), just remember that throughout the entirety of history there has been a disparity of resources. Some people and areas have more of them than others. That means for a group of people to prosper, a group containing women, mind you, sometimes a group of men have to take those resources, or protect those resources being taken from them. When you look at war on a global scale, most of it has to do with resources firstly. The fight over palestine and israel is a fight over land. Land is a resource. So are you suggesting that if women ran everything there would be no need for resources? There would be no separation between groups of human beings due to location and proximity? I would like to know what group of women you would have protect or fight for resources exactly? Do you believe that groups would barter for resources and be giving to the point of starvation of resources to “help out” if the world were run by women? The thought is laughable at best. You obviously have no idea how the world works. It is because of wars that the Western economy has grown so much. It is because of men that you can sit at a computer and complain about their tribal nature. It is actually because of men that you live in privilege and safety, and under the hypothetical that women ran things, no only do you have no evidence they would be better off, we also have the likeliness that they’d defer to men for warfare anyway. As for blaming Darwin for the state of the world, why is that? Because he unloaded a truth that people couldn’t deal with? Because some people distorted his words to mean racial superiority? It is not his fault that facts are facts.
Haha yes, blame testosterone, the very hormone that has driven innovation and the force behind every achievement the human race has ever made. Jog on, Laine
Jake Cain .. I thought it was a girl but looked at the pics, I am not so sure. Should we refer to it as “Zher? Zhim?” It certainly has an issue with testosterone, plus an Adam’s apple
Laine Walker Stay off Tumblr, dude. You think you have insight, but really you’re just a pathetic little social warrior without the slightest clue about how the real world works.
What if the ” fittest ” we’re compassionate
Pretty sure most christians could (should) relate to that . . . ♡
Ironically the average American has an attention span of only 8 seconds and hasn’t a clue what Darwin wrote or even cares. They latched on to “survival of the fittest” and moved on to the next headline.
Australians too ! . . . Apparently the motto is “Don’t get caught” . . .
Good that they are proving what Darwin already knew!
they are disproving what darwin knew are you sure you are on the same page in life
Såklart när man tänker efter.. Darwin har nog rätt i det mesta. men någonting har gjort oss människor speciella. Kan det vara medmänsklighet? Något det fattas mycket av idag, tyvärr……..