Healthy people think healthy thoughts such as: I love feeling good, I am perfect health, I experience great health, I'm rarely sick.
Loneliness can also rob you of healing energy. As long as you have me, myself and I, then you are never lonely. Get a pet and then your will always be warm too.
If you suffer from lack of sunshine, buy a full spectrum light bulb! Get all the beneficial, healing rays from the sun from within your own home.
Modern science is anywhere from 17-30 years ahead of current medical practices, this even includes the current medical textbooks. We are actually living in an archaic medical scenario. If something doesn't work, cut it out. If your hurt, take a pill. If your numbers are off, take some more pills to get the numbers looking good. In the not too distant future this kind of medical practice will be viewed as we now view; blood letting with leeches and the sawing off of limbs on the fields of the US Civil War. Pills for ills will be part of the history books. It will be understood that just as our body produces endorphins that make us happy, it produces all the necessities that keep us well. Actually some experience this now. They recover from cancer and serious illnesses without chemo, drugs or IVs.
A toxic mind is actually our worst enemy and this doesn't come from the lead in your water. Within in the past 100 years physicists have been exploring what exists beyond matter. Didn't you always wonder just how a chair could be made up of all of those swirling atoms, that really aren't solid, but come together in such a way that they cause the structure of a chair? Now we are beginning to understand, even in lay terms. There are the atoms, and then there are rods and quarks. Even more bizarre is the greatest quantity, that can't be measured (quantum) is gray or some say dark matter. It's not tangible, measurable and if it is at all viewed it changes shapes depending upon who or how it is viewed.
Now to go even further, scientists have discovered that every cell in your body…trillions at least, have intelligence, every one of them. We can all understand that we have a nervous system and that it is intelligent. It is what causes automatic responses in our body. We feel, we have pain, our heart beats, etc. But just think on this…our immunity system is intelligent! You can influence it!
Within this system there is an elaborate communication system that works diligently to keep your healthy. There is a school of thought that cancer is actually not deadly, but our bodies response to an invasion. Understand why you are being invaded, treat that and then the cancer cells stop morphing and taking over. It is now understood that the treatment kills quicker than the disease of cancer. Where most people live is in the fear and fear breeds a multitude of possible scenarios and this leads to a toxic mind full of negative end results. In order to achieve health and to thrive, we must end the toxic mind.
Seek to understand your best ally. The beautiful body that houses your eternal being. Love your body, study to understand it and free yourself.
Much love to you friends, ❤️ Julia
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She lives happily in Western North Carolina.