The market for CBD products continues to grow in demand as dispensaries and new brands begin to sprout up at every turn. The industry as a whole has completely transformed and has turned its primarily medicinal sector into an increasingly popular recreational consumer-base. As cannabis consumers are growing more sophisticated, brands are beginning to catch up in order to meet their needs, with cannabis infused tea and other edibles gaining in popularity.
Cannabidiol — the chemical compound extracted from the cannabis sativa plant — is one of the hottest trends not only for the variety of forms it takes, but for its therapeutic elements. As the industry specializes, consumers are becoming more educated and aware of the benefits that come with using CBD responsibly.
Combining Tea with Cannabis
Tea alone offers a number of benefits including antioxidants, and adding CBD to the mix opens up another door of possibilities thanks to the phytocannabinoids from the hemp plant. When consumed, they interact with the body’s regulatory system and promise positive effects around mood, appetite, and sleep. So, what makes it a great partner with your favourite tea?
While CBD can cause you to feel tired more often, the caffeine found in tea can help offset that — allowing you to enjoy the therapeutic aspects of the plant while enjoying a caffeine boost from your beverage.
A Variety of Edibles
Edibles are becoming one of the most popular forms of CBD — now a billion-dollar industry. Their therapeutic qualities have been praised in recent years, and the diversity of products offered continues to expand — ranging from gummies, chocolate bars, and mints available in enough flavours to suit every palette. Even more important than the taste, is the authenticity of the product. Quality CBD edibles should begin with quality hemp plants.
There are edibles promising positive results surrounding depression, aiding sleep, and reducing neuropathic pain. With that said, it’s important to conduct diligent research before purchasing your desired edibles. Confirming the product you’re purchasing is made with organic, sustainably grown products will ensure you’re investing in your body and its overall wellness.
Cooking with Cannabis
In addition to the edibles available in the CBD market, cooking with the oil is rapidly growing in popularity. Creating delicious and responsible recipes can be easily achieved if those in the kitchen take the proper steps before cooking. It all begins with the ingredients — ensuring they are ethically sourced, and confirming that the product’s lab results are free of any heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, or extra solvents.
Everyone reacts to CBD differently — chef Gabe Kennedy recommends beginning with 10 milligrams of full-spectrum oil, and raising the dosage if you feel positive effects. Keeping the temperature at a maximum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit will prevent the oil from losing its potency – storing it in cool, dry places keeps the oil fresh.
No matter which way you’re integrating CBD into your daily life — an added remedy to your daily herbal tea, an edible you can take with you on-the-go, or adding it to one of your favourite dishes — incorporating it responsibly is the most important road you can take.
Always start cautiously, and adjust your dosage depending on how your body reacts. When you act responsibly, you’re putting your mental and physical health first.