Your pet is probably a valued member of your family unit. You share all aspects of your life with your furry friend from vacations to quiet dinners at home. In many situations, such as with seniors or those who live alone, an animal becomes a true companion and confidant. However, just like their human caretakers, all creatures suffer from bouts of anxiety or chronically painful health conditions. Undoubtedly, you probably cannot bear to see Fido or Fluffy in agony so you want to bring them relief. Lately, the veterinarian community has been touting the benefits of CBD oil for pets.
Won’t CBD Make My Pet High?
When you first hear about cannabidiol for your dog or cat, you may hesitate. You don’t want to turn your beloved four-legged friend into a stoner by getting them high as a kite. Well, please take a few deep breaths and relax. Yes, CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant but unlike THC, it has no psychoactive effects. When given the hemp oil, your pet will remain entirely lucid.
Anxiety and Your Pet
Animals, such as dogs and cats, may have experienced a long coexistence with humans for thousands of years, but they are still the direct result of wolves and wildcats. Coded deep within their DNA is a flight or fight response that is spurred by their need for survival. Most animals become anxious and afraid when they hear loud noises such as a gunshot or fireworks. The 4th of July in America is an especially stressful time for pets. Believe it or not, but reports show that more canines become lost during the festivities than any other time of year. The poor animal hears the boom of the explosive firework and their first instinct is to run fast and far for safety. Other dogs hide whether under a bed or beneath a blanket. Many become so frightful that they vomit or defecate.
Using CBD to Relieve Fear in Pets
It breaks most owners’ hearts to see their pets in such a state. However, a few drops of CBD in your animal's mouth or on their food can relieve their anxious behavior by providing a calming effect. The soothing aspect of CBD is why so many with PTSD and other anxiety-disorder sufferers use the holistic supplement on a daily basis.
Chronic Pain in Animals
Pets are very similar to people. As they age, they become more prone to age-related disorders such as crippling arthritis. Some large dog breeds such as the German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Newfoundland, Great Dane, and Boxer are also genetically predisposed towards hip or elbow dysplasia. The dog might have difficulty walking or rising from a prone position in the morning. CBD has been shown to dramatically relieve inflammation in mammals. A few drops per day can bring about a noticeable improvement. Also, such conditions often cause muscle spasms which undergo instant relief from the hemp-derived droplets.
Anticonvulsant Aid
Many domestic animals suffer from epilepsy just like their human counterparts. The drugs prescribed by veterinarians often have harsh side effects. However, CBD typically reduced the frequency and severity of the seizures. This allows your epileptic pet to live a fulfilling and long life.
Any time your pet is suffering, your automatic response is to want to protect and relieve the animal's stress or discomfort. CBD is an effective tool that offers real results. You can purchase CBD products online, at health food stores, or other brick and mortar establishments. In fact, its rise in popularity has spurred most pet clinics to offer CBD-items for sale at their clients.