With new discoveries in epigenetics, our control over the wellbeing of our bodies is placed back into our own hands,...
Read moreDetailsHere are some of the methods behavior analysts use for inpatient care...
Read moreDetailsA team of researchers believes that they have found a natural explanation for dark matter and a number of other...
Read moreDetailsBefore an app is launched, it needs to go through a full round of testing to ensure that everything works...
Read moreDetailsAccording to Gregg Braden, there are 3 fundamental things you need to know about God, and all religions and ancient...
Read moreDetailsResearchers have found a “sextuply eclipsing sextuple star system,” according to the New York Times. #SolarSystem #solar
Read moreDetailsBlue jets are types of lightning that shoot upwards from thunderclouds into the stratosphere. State-of-the-art equipment on the International Space...
Read moreDetailsAround one of the galaxy's oldest stars, an orange dwarf named TOI-561 just 280 light-years away, astronomers have found three...
Read moreDetailsMany botanists dispute the idea of plant sentience, but the study of climbing beans sows seed of doubt #consciousnessofplants
Read moreDetailsGravitational waves would be weak and hard to find, but they're all predicted to make up a resonant 'hum' that...
Read moreDetailsMelting icebergs in the Antarctic are the key, say the team from Cardiff University, triggering a series of chain reactions...
Read moreDetailsTemperatures on planet Earth have plummeted in line with the great conjunction, the ongoing magnetic reversal/excursion, and the ever-intensifying Grand...
Read moreDetailsResearchers at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) have recently carried out a search for invisible axion dark matter using...
Read moreDetailsNASA is warning that 2021 begins with a mammoth asteroid that is currently hurtling toward Earth. #asteroid
Read moreDetailsQuantum teleportation is a "disembodied" transfer of quantum states from one location to another. The quantum teleportation of a qubit...
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