The next time a hazardous asteroid lines Earth up in its crosshairs, we may be ready for the threat. Scientists...
Read moreDetailsHawking's answer to the question "What was there before there was anything?" relies on a theory known as the "no-boundary...
Read moreDetailsWhile 2017 had some sad moments, like the end of the 20–year-long Cassini mission, we also learnt a huge amount...
Read moreDetailsMount Agung on the resort island of Bali, which has been rumbling in recent months, erupted on Tuesday afternoon, the...
Read moreDetailsThe earthquake, which was felt as far as Mexico City and Guatemala City. The epicenter was in the Pacific Ocean,...
Read moreDetailsYesterday the sun released TWO X-class solar flares. The first flare was an X2.2, while the second was much more...
Read moreDetailsCheck out this list for live-stream webcasts of the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse.
Read moreDetailsOn August 21, 2017, a continent-spanning wave of instruments from home-made pinhole cameras to the most sophisticated telescopes in operation...
Read moreDetailsThe August 21 total solar eclipse, along with modern instrumentation, and more accurate measurements of the positions of the stars,...
Read moreDetailsThis dramatic Pluto flyover footage begins over the highlands to the southwest of the great expanse of nitrogen ice plain...
Read moreDetailsWith a main mirror 39 metres in diameter, the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), is going to be, as its name...
Read moreDetailsA new study by the Society For Planetary SETI Research (SPSR) poses intriguing questions about inconsistencies in old photos of...
Read moreDetailsDubbed 2014-JO25 and roughly 650 metres (2,000 feet) across, the asteroid will come within 1.8 million kilometres (1.1 million miles)...
Read moreDetailsAstronomers at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have detected no less than seven roughly Earth-sized worlds orbiting a...
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