“What is the “Self” with a capital “S” is a question that humanity has been asking for generations. Science is...
Read moreDetailsIt will need courage, commitment and focus. Rest assured the work will be deeply beneficial for humanity and the planet....
Read moreDetailsGasper Dolinar delivers an important message about how the powerful energies of the Total Solar Eclipse on 4-Dec will impact...
Read moreDetailsWhat we need to do is detach from the mind, become the divine co-creator, AND THEN take ownership of the...
Read moreDetailsLet's be clear, if you're not climbing then you're either standing still or slip-sliding backward. Now is not the time...
Read moreDetailsBefore the caterpillar becomes the butterfly, it goes through the chrysalis phase where everything breaks down into a kind of...
Read moreDetails”Fear represents a golden opportunity, but only if we're prepared to turn right into it, at the time it is...
Read moreDetailsIt's about transcending the physical, activating the Merkabah, and preparing for Ascension into 5D. You're building the DNA of the...
Read moreDetailsSo the soul is a streaming flow of consciousness, without intention. It's just acting as an expression of being and...
Read moreDetailsIt's all about profound self-honesty. When we're being truly honest with ourselves, we know what the soul is really inviting...
Read moreDetailsMy sense is that we have until 2050 until this 3D destruction cycle completes. But that doesn't mean everything will...
Read moreDetailsBut that's the point, if you want to learn how to fly, you have to unfurl your wings, and trust...
Read moreDetailsThe Universe will also tell you when you’re making the wrong decision. No matter what you call the Eternal Force...
Read moreDetailsRemember: EVERYTHING is energy. If you're stuck in yourself, this will reflect and create into your immediate environment. Let everything...
Read moreDetailsBenevolence has responded in the most quietly phenomenal of ways - the return of the cosmic catalyst the Shiva. A...
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