John Tierney, a former reporter for The New York Times, looks back over the pandemic, providing a timeline of the...
Read moreDetailsThe scolding of Americans for asserting their medical freedom has reached a fever pitch and it has shifted from ridicule...
Read moreDetailsBlackRock and Vanguard form a secret monopoly that owns just about everything else you can think of too. In all,...
Read moreDetailsA “double-mutation” of SARS-CoV-2 is now said to target younger people. Some “experts” interviewed by mainstream media claim it should...
Read moreDetailsThere is a belief-forming and currently being pushed by the mainstream media and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control that...
Read moreDetailsAmong the regular flow of info, certain topics or subjects are thrust into public consciousness with regularity. Social engineering is...
Read moreDetailsGiven the 24/7 hysterical propaganda coming from mainstream media, it is easy to see how Americans are clueless about current...
Read moreDetailsOne hour after Joe Biden’s inauguration, the World Health Organization lowered the recommended PCR cycle threshold (CT), which automatically guarantees...
Read moreDetails“The COVID-19 pandemic has proven an opportunity of convenience for totalitarian elements who have put individual rights and freedoms globally...
Read moreDetailsIn recent days and weeks, we’ve seen an unprecedented wave of censorship sweep across the internet. The only solution will...
Read moreDetailsHaving trouble interpreting what’s really going on in the world? Of course you can always trust the media to lead...
Read moreDetailsCOVID-19 has been the destruction of people’s lives. It is the destabilization of civil society. And for What? The Lies...
Read moreDetailsThe late iconoclast Terence McKenna pointed out that obsessive and unexamined behavior in pursuit of familiar stimulus such as what...
Read moreDetailsWe live in a world where, most would agree, there is a lot that goes on that we will never...
Read moreDetailsBy injecting millions of dollars into various industries, companies, and organizations, Gates has risen to become one of the most...
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