This can be a very powerful week, as Mars and Pluto begin to conjunct in the traditional sign of Capricorn....
Read moreDetailsThe Sun travels into Aries and we have the Vernal Equinox, the start of the New Astrological year. Ironically, the...
Read moreDetailsMars is so incredibly influential this week, both forging a fantastic and liberating link to Uranus, and a more challenging...
Read moreDetailsThe fall out from last week's Full Moon continues, creating a swirling mist of uncertainty and potentially lower energy and...
Read moreDetailsAll this week, Mercury is squaring to Mars. This aspect can create a lot of friction, or see our hopes...
Read moreDetailsWith the Sun now findings its way through the complex zodiac sign of Pisces and combining with Mercury early this...
Read moreDetailsMars is square Neptune this week, which is one of the trickiest of all angles. What out for anyone who...
Read moreDetailsTwo very enlivening planetary aspects light up the start of this week, and can create an extra spark of energy...
Read moreDetailsThe Lunar Eclipse in Leo asks us to balance our individual drives, needs and creativity with the collective energies of...
Read moreDetailsTwo very important planetary conjunctions give us the chance to both grapple with worldly issues in a progressive precise way,...
Read moreDetailsVenus clashes with Uranus before switching into Aquarius. This could see us have to ventilate our feelings about a relationship...
Read moreDetailsA fantastic collection of energy in the authoritative Capricorn,can certainly concentrate our minds,but see us being very much more grounded...
Read moreDetailsThis weeks Full Moon in Cancer, asks us to balance the practicalities of life - Capricorn, with a more sensitive...
Read moreDetailsVenus moves into Capricorn on Christmas Day joining up with the Sun, Saturn and Pluto. This suggests that love can...
Read moreDetailsSaturn moves into Capricorn this week after a twenty five year absence. This is his home zone and he will...
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