Last week in Germany, a massive crowd of people hit the streets to protest the lockdowns while mainstream media's coverage...
Read moreDetailsCompanies like Facebook, Google and third parties of all kinds have the power — and are using that power —...
Read moreDetailsRobert Epstein is a Harvard trained psychologist who has exposed how Google is manipulating public opinion through their search engine...
Read moreDetailsJP Sears: What would it be like if you stopped thinking for yourself and believed everything the media tells you?...
Read moreDetailsBrian Rose of London Real announced that David Icke has been removed from both YouTube and Facebook within a 24...
Read moreDetailsThe mainstream media and governments are losing control of people all over the globe. Humans are finally standing up for...
Read moreDetailsResearchers and media experts weigh in on how to stay informed about coronavirus while protecting your mental health. #coronavirusnews
Read moreDetailsFrom the palatial Corbett Report studios in western Japan, it's time for The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards. #fakenews
Read moreDetailsIndeed, there are so many ways that the information age could completely shift the oligarchical collectivism of the power structures...
Read moreDetailsHow it is possible that the president can bomb a foreign country or threaten a full-scale international war without so...
Read moreDetailsIn this video we examine how public schools and the mainstream media have contributed to the growth of a passive...
Read moreDetailsThe massive video sharing platform claimed to be targeting hateful content, “supremacists,” conspiracy theorists and anything that promotes discrimination or...
Read moreDetailsThese new charges are trying to prosecute Assange for publishing that stolen, secret material which was obtained by somebody else....
Read moreDetailsUnder the guise of stopping "fake news," internet watchdogs are burying alternative news that threatens mainstream financial interests. Major media...
Read moreDetailsIt's The 2nd Annual REAL Fake News Awards with James Corbett - that ceremony where the worst Fake News offenders...
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