Gregg Braden asks the question: do we want to relinquish our humanity, without even knowing what it means to embrace...
Read moreDetailsAfter waking up from contemporary consciousness, our world looks much different than it ever had before, and it’s easy to...
Read moreDetailsSubmitting only validates tyrannical displays of power and ensures that there will be more such displays in the future. #lockdowns...
Read moreDetailsHundreds of thousands of people of all ages took to the streets in Australia, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Greece, and...
Read moreDetailsI felt compelled to write about ‘being the change’ this week after all of the negative news going on the...
Read moreDetailsWE CAN WIN! Patrick King is a proud father of 2, Freedom Fighter and Patriot who took on the powerful...
Read moreDetailsThousands of protestors also turned up to rebel against extended lockdown orders in Australia and, in India, hundreds of people...
Read moreDetailsThis report explains the truth you're not getting in the news about the data and the global uprising. #vaccinepassportprotest
Read moreDetails“A nation isn’t defeated until the hearts of the women are on the ground.” So the women of Standing Rock...
Read moreDetailsAnti-lockdown protests kicked into high gear around Europe and the rest of the globe on Saturday #lockdownprotest
Read moreDetailsAnti-lockdown protesters have marched in major Australian cities, calling for an end to ongoing restrictions, media deception, and anti-democratic government...
Read moreDetailsFrench police officers have joined in on the yellow vest march in France that is predominantly against Macrons tyrannical forced...
Read moreDetailsListen to this inspirational speech by David Icke about realizing who we are, putting aside our differences, and not accepting...
Read moreDetailsA compilation of powerful and at times highly entertaining video clips featuring a diverse range of spirited souIs from aII...
Read moreDetailsGreece has become the latest European country to be hit with mass protests after the government announced the unvaccinated would...
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