An developer is planning to build a new housing and entertainment development just 10 miles from the Grand Canyon, but...
Read moreDetailsIn a rebuke to the Trump administration's cruel immigration policies and rhetoric, world-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma gave a performance at...
Read moreDetails"We are unstoppable. Another world is possible." That was the message of the youth-led School Strike for Climate movement on Friday as...
Read moreDetailsIf you want to get involved in the fight to end homelessness, there is volunteer work, financial or material contributions,...
Read moreDetailsAfter spending several hours at the U.S.-Mexico border with attorneys and immigrant rights advocates on Saturday, 29 parents separated from...
Read moreDetailsYouth climate leaders from across the globe penned an open letter on Friday condemning the inaction of world leaders in the face...
Read moreDetailsMany if not all climate activists share my motivation: We want to save the planet for our children, and our...
Read moreDetailsDeclaring to chief executives that they refuse "to become war profiteers," a group of Microsoft workers on Friday demanded the...
Read moreDetailsSixteen-year-old climate action leader Greta Thunberg stood alongside European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker Thursday in Brussels as he indicated—after weeks...
Read moreDetailsIn situations of growing desperation, it’s natural to want to blame someone or some group of people, especially when our...
Read moreDetailsAs students across the United Kingdom prepare to join the global "climate strike" movement later this week by walking out...
Read moreDetails"I am just a messenger, and yet I get all this hate," writes Thunberg. "I am not saying anything new,...
Read moreDetails35,000 people participated in a march in Berlin to protest against the current system of disbursement of EU farm subsidies...
Read moreDetailsHundreds of women marched on Sunday in Paris to reclaim France's "Yellow Vest" movement from violent activists, a day after...
Read moreDetailsThe French #yellowvest protesters could carry a liberating lesson for us: To achieve real democracy and basic fairness requires that...
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