A time will come when everyone's bodies will start to deteriorate slowly. You might notice your motor functions decreasing, or you take more time than usual to decide about something. Even with constant practice and doing your usual activities, it might become too difficult to handle anymore. Usually, you can experience bodily issues when you are getting older.
As you get older, there are body complications that might start to come up, and one of those is schizophrenia. You should know that at least 20 million people are affected by schizophrenia, but it is not common as other mental disorders. You should know that there is no cure for the disease or that it does not go away on its own. However, you can prevent the disease from happening by going through a schizophrenia treatment.
What is Schizophrenia?
You have to know what schizophrenia is to understand how it affects your brain and how you acquire it. As mentioned a while ago, schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes a person hallucinate, have disorganized speech, have trouble thinking normally, and usually lack the motivation to do anything.
You can most of the time tell if a person has schizophrenia if they show early signs of hallucinations. You may find them talking to someone even if there is no one near them. They may also try to create scenarios that are happening only in their heads, such as imagining that they are in a burning building or invisible people are laughing at them.
When a person has schizophrenia as they grow older, the severity of the hallucinations and delusions decreases as they grow older. However, a person with old age still can worsen their schizophrenia by drinking too much alcohol, using illegal drugs, or being involved in stressful situations. A schizophrenic person should always be in an environment where everything is peaceful and that there are no signs of harmful substances that they can ingest.
Is There a Treatment for Schizophrenia?
The downside of having schizophrenia is that there is no known cure for the disease. Many scientists and researchers have been seeking a cure, but they still have not gotten the solution they were looking for.
However, they can also undergo a schizophrenia treatment to combat the disease before they acquire heavy hallucinations and other schizophrenic symptoms. It is also not good to leave the disease unattended since it does not naturally go away.
- Psychotherapy
One treatment that schizophrenic patients undergo is called psychotherapy. You would usually have this treatment with a psychotherapist to conduct several psychological methods, specifically when based on usual personal interaction with adults, to help a person become better and overcome obstacles and problems in many ways.
Usually, the psychotherapy treatment involves talking with each other even more, such as learning how to differentiate what is real and what is not, discussing more about the illness, and learning its side effects.
- Medication
Another treatment you can do to combat schizophrenia is through the use of medication. It is the cornerstone of schizophrenic treatment and also the cheapest compared to psychotherapy. Usually, doctors will prescribe you antipsychotic medications to lessen the number of hallucinations you get every day.
They work by controlling the brain's neurotransmitter dopamine, and its main objective is to manage signs of schizophrenia in its early stages at the lowest doses. The doctor may also prescribe different drugs, combinations, or doses to achieve the desired results.
Apart from psychotic medications, other drugs, including anti-anxiety or antidepressant drugs may work, depending on the doctor's diagnosis and the person. And if a person with schizophrenia does not handle taking medication well, doctors might inject it rather than make them ingest it.
The Benefits of Undergoing a Treatment
The main reason you need a schizophrenia treatment is to help prevent it from becoming worse. Like with any other disease, if you ignore it for a long time, it will only get worse until it becomes severe that your body will suffer so much.
When you regularly stick to treatment, you should expect the disease to go away gradually, which is primarily true with schizophrenia. People who undergo treatment for schizophrenia can see positive changes after a few months.
You should know that the treatment does not necessarily mean that the disease will go away entirely, but rather, it is only there to help you manage it better. Your brain might still encounter schizophrenic episodes from time to time, but you can manage it better than when you first started experiencing it.
Never take schizophrenic treatments for granted if you want to live an everyday, meaningful life. In short, schizophrenia does not go away naturally. The longer you leave it, the more problems you will encounter, like severe hallucinations that might even cause you to hurt someone around you.
Disclaimer: Content from the ConsciousLifeNews.com website and blog is not intended to be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information provided on this website is intended for general consumer understanding and is NOT intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. As health and nutrition research continuously evolves, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any information presented on this website.