Intelligence Can be a Curse
How? When we dismiss our innate wisdom and follow the rule of disconnect, the disconnection of our innate leads to imbalance, trouble, grief, wariness and disease. Bliss doesn’t have to rise from ignorance. A state of ease, contentment, joy, pure love can be known when allowance and acceptance occurs within. The allowance is an alchemical process of turning a cold heart into a breathing, renewing life force. This life force is the energy of purity residing in every human being. It is the hope of our species.
One of the greatest marvels of our Earth is not the past of erosion and upheaval, but of renewal. It is the beauty that rises from the ashes and char to create a symbiotic path for lush and diverse life.
Examples of Renewal
A fallen tree in the forest creates life for thousands of organisms within a year.
A forest fire in the high plains of the west renews itself through Aspens. These beautiful trees create a blanket to nurture seedlings that will emerge from the charred earth. These seedlings will grow into mighty Ponderosa Pines.
Even in the high desert of heat and minimal moisture, life abounds. What an unaware mind might see as impossible conditions, equals the thriving for some.
One of my Favorite Words is Fluctuate
Within this is the understanding that nothing is static.
If nothing is static, then suffering does not remain. Happiness does not remain. Cold does not remain. Hot does not remain.
Try to hold a thought either positive or negative and see how long you can continue? What thought did you have yesterday at 2:22?
Everything is in flux. When we embrace this notion, and learn to be an observer of the thought or experience, then we release attachment and thus let go of the pain or even the pleasure. Letting go is then a sense of spaciousness that allows creativity and bliss. Joy and truth. It is non attachment to any one thing or all things. The Beatles song, Let It Be, is a neat song to listen to when times are tough or just to enjoy in the good times.
The Bliss of the Equation
My life is my testament. Bliss occurs from within, it is not based on external circumstances. It does not mean trauma and hurt do not occur. Yet, bliss remains constant. Why? Now comes the paradox of the fluctuation. The spark of infinity within each of us, does not change. It remains. The fluctuation is in the squelching or limiting of our own innate ability. We all are highly evolved, creative individuals. As we live this, then we are not subject to rules that keep us limited and weak. Stand firm in this eternal truth. Alrighty then, maybe bliss is not so ignorant 🙂
Be well and live well my friends, the truth inside you, truly will set you free. Love to you, Julia
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, daughter, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina.