Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in a specific type of cannabis plant. Although research about CBD is still at infancy, several studies are showing that it has the potential to relieve anxiety. In this blog, we will discuss what CBD is, some myths about it, and how it may help people cope from stress and anxiety.
Common Myths About CBD
There is no doubt that CBD gets a lot of buzz lately, especially in places where it's legal. Before you know it, it's everywhere, with products ranging from oils and vape liquids, to capsules, like these for example. Coffee shops offer CBD lattes; spas come with CBD facials and massage, and beauty companies mix CBD oil in soaps and lotions. With all the attention it gets, it can be confusing to separate the truths from lies about CBD. Let's clear out the smoke surrounding cannabidiol.
CBD will NOT make you high. It comes from the portion of the cannabis plant, which does not contain a high-level of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive element of the plant. To draw the line, CBD is the “wholesome” compound of the cannabis plant, while THC is the compound that can produce a euphoria effect.
CBD and marijuana are NOT the same. The two compounds come from two different species of Cannabis sativa- hemp and marijuana. Both species contain CBD, but hemp has a higher percentage of CBD and has a low level of THC (less than 0.3%) compared to marijuana.
CBD is illegal. In some countries and states in the US, yes, it's illegal. If you're from the US, producing, carrying, and using CBD while in Idaho, Mississippi, New Hampshire, and South Dakota can put you into trouble.
Is CBD Worth Trying for Anxiety?
For many years, most studies focus on the properties of marijuana in reducing symptoms of anxiety. Although fewer studies on cannabidiol are done, the results are promising.
In 2010, a small study revealed that cannabidiol could reduce symptoms of anxiety in people with a social anxiety disorder (SAD). The study involved scanning the brains of the subjects, where scientists found a positive change in the part of the brain linked to anxiety.
In the same study, participants who received CBD treatment reported that they feel better. Scientists found out that cannabidiol changes the way the brains responded to anxiety.
A year later, another group conducted separate research on the effect of cannabidiol to treat the anxiety related to public speaking. The result validated the findings of the study from the previous year.
In 2014, research was published in the National Library of Medicine website. It reviewed the studies of animal models using CBD as an antidepressant compound.
A review of CBD's potential as a treatment for anxiety-related disorders was conducted in September 2015. It affirmed the initial results that cannabidiol demonstrated efficacy in decreasing anxiety behaviors in patients with PTSD, GAD, PD, and OCD.
However, the same study cautioned that the data is based on the short-term effects of CBD on the subjects. It strongly suggests that further studies are needed to establish the true potential of cannabidiol in treating anxiety for long-term results.
In 2016, a case study explored the probability that cannabidiol could lessen the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) and anxiety-related sleep disorder in a child. The result showed that CBD reduced the patient's anxiety and helped her sleep better.
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