Most, the majority of us have been taught, programed if you will. This teaching has trained us to believe only what we see and what we can prove through intellectual data. For example, results that can be measured by set standards.
Go Beyond the Conditioning!
Transcending this type of thinking/conditioning, liberates. I have a formula that works for me and it will work for you too. It is simple in concept and easy to implement if only you allow the first step to be completely, whole heartedly realized within. What is the first step? Belief. It is vital that you believe it is possible. What is possible? Anything and everything. Following the belief is a question and within that word is the crux of the matter: quest. It is a mission to accomplish and in order to accomplish it, you must be on a quest to know. To know what? Ahhh, that is the mystery. That is the answer.
First Do This
So first believe, then ask. What am I to know, what am I to be about? That is the quest and the answers will change just as the tides, the moon and the sun. Right, they don’t change in composition. They change in location, in movement, and with predictability. This change is expected, normal and so it is not startling to our senses. So with the quest, in the question expect that this will change too. Your quest will evolve, just as your questions will. This is normal and the results, the surprising, delighting, joyful answers will astound and amaze.
The Formula
Ok, here is the formula. Belief is the foundation that opens a conscious state for a compassionate being to create something from nothing. Very simply, as you believe, you then are aware and in this awareness you see others as yourself. From this place there are no divisions, there are only possibilities, quantum entanglements that draw to one another with extraordinary results. As far a science goes, this is either smaller or larger than can be measured. Yet, the results are the same: change. A change in the state of being, either physical, mental or spiritual. The results are not mundane, they are miraculous. Do you believe this? Do you believe that you are a creator?
Beyond the Formula
Yes, one component was not present in this formula. Time. It is the underlying factor of all that is. All of nature, that we can perceive follows the time event. Birth takes time, death takes time, growth takes time, creation takes time. How long? Again, that is the mystery. The fascinating and alluring part is that if we believe it is going to happen, then time is of no consequence. Time only gets in the way if we get impatient, the it lingers on and on and on. When we are about our quest, time is not in the way. It is not the stumbling block. Because you know the quest is the journey, the quest is the sunrise and sunset each day, the quest is the call within that says, yes there is more. More than what you can see in this moment. More than what science can tell you or show you. More than what you can imagine in this moment.
What to do?
Believe my friend, trust the higher essence that resides within and around you. It is in the ethers and it is the creative force for everything thing. You and I are the same, we have it coursing through and around us. Use it, develop it and live life well.
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, grandmother, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina. Please visit her blog here.