What is it with us human that we are simply never satisfied with what we have? We tend to take things for granted so easily until something terrible happens that literally snaps our awareness back into alignment with gratitude for all the awesomeness that's always been there; impervious to our blind eyes.
We could possibly blame it on our subconscious minds in that they are designed in such a way to keep us safe and sound and to help us best navigate this often confusing and harsh world around us. The subconscious allows us to remember details and recall information about people, place and things so we can more easily navigate our environment on a daily basis without being bombarded every second by the constant information coming in through our five senses.
We could see how this could perhaps dull the shine on things, no? Even if we are aware this is happening, life can tend to get tedious and repetitive and this is why it's so important to be present in every moment. This is, of course, no simple feat and takes quite the dedicated heart to be willing to commit to living a life where you are willing to walk the middle line of being the spontaneous “liver” along with the ever-conscious “observer”.
Living in a world of duality and consciously choosing to create another one in your mind could be considered a bit crazy. But walking a path of ignorance and never choosing to push yourself past your comfort zones leads to a path of regret. If we are honest with ourselves when we say we wish to grow and expand our consciousness in this lifetime so we better understand ourselves and others, then we will inevitably walk what I call the path of the Spiritual Warrior.
This path is one that isn't clean and pretty, but alas covered in weeds and rocks and maybe even some vermin waiting to strike an unsuspecting ankle. But if we commit, come true and come through, this path leaves a trail straight to your heart that is unique to your Soul and your Soul only. And the more you walk it, the more you strengthen your “integrity muscle”. It will ultimately become easier to trust yourself and the choices you make in life…
Which brings us back to this moment. Isn't it funny how many of us are never really “here”? We are either thinking about something that happened along time ago, torturing ourselves with painful thoughts of people that hurt us whom we may not have seen in years. Or we are wondering or planning for a tomorrow that may or may not ever come. But how often are we truly right here and now, in this moment? And when we are here, are we at peace? Perhaps if we were…we'd come around more often? 🙂
So, how to find peace in this moment and ultimately with who WE are right now, no matter what is going on (or not going on) in our lives? The key I've discovered that works best for me is simple acceptance. This is much different that “giving up” or enabling, but think of it more as letting go trustfully, surrendering, and allowing what is, simply to be, without judgment. When we can look at a situation without our judgments and reactions and see what is left sitting there, this allows for further clarity of the bigger picture.
And when we can see the bigger picture, we can not only see the path, but where it leads. This reduces the need to approach our next steps with fear. Instead we can make empowered choices and then step back and trust, and allow it unfold. This simple principle works just the same when we apply it to ourselves and our own life goals; no matter how big or small. A key factor is to always remember to be kind to yourself and to be patient.
As with Mother Earth, we all have our seasons that take us through cycles of change, transformation and growth. Sometimes the most wicked of storm produce the most gorgeous rainbows so don't ever be afraid to KNOW how worthy you are of your own attention, your own commitment, and your own love.
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
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This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.
Meet with a spiritual adviser. Spiritual advisers, such as priests and monks, can also help advise you on how to find inner peace. Even if you don’t want a religious solution, they are experts in the soul and human mind and should be able to help you find productive, inspiring ways to improve your experience of life.