The summer season has arrived and despite the potential delay to your vacation plans (thanks to the pandemic), you might be preparing to enjoy a little downtime over the next few days and weeks. That's great if so, and we hope you enjoy it.
Care needs to be taken, however. Many of us make health mistakes over the summer, and we will list some of them here. The first mistake on our list is highly topical right now, so be sure to take that into special consideration.
#1: Forgetting about social distancing
Lockdown restrictions are slowly being lifted, but that doesn't mean we are out of the COVID-19 crisis just yet. Some people think this is the case though, as they are flouting social distancing rules by having summer barbecues with large groups of friends and family, and many are congregating on our beaches.
Our advice is this: Be sensible. The sun might be shining outside, but now is not the time to throw caution to the wind. Avoid large groups where possible, and if you are able to travel, try to choose those places that won't be inundated with tourists. The pandemic will never end if people act without wisdom, so be careful!
#2: Not staying hydrated
Drinking water is essential when the temperatures are raging outside. Your body will be losing more water due to sweat, so you need to replenish yourself with good old-fashioned H20. Fruit juices can also hydrate you, but be sure to drink those that are low in sugar.
Of course, if you're having barbecues or lounging in your garden, you might be tempted to drink more alcohol than usual. This is problematic for all kinds of reasons, but in context of this point, you need to know that alcohol dehydrates you. So, don't convince yourself a can of beer is a substitute for water during the warm weather, because your health could be badly affected if you do.
#3: Not wearing sunglasses
Many of us know the importance of wearing sunscreen for skin protection, but some people forego sunglasses during the sunny season. This is a serious health mistake because if your eyes aren't protected, you are increasing the chances of cataracts and cancerous skin growths.
While most pairs of sunglasses will protect your eyes to a degree, some are better than others. According to this article, mirrored lenses should be your preferred choice, as they do more to protect your eyes from damage. It's also important to wear sunglasses that befit your prescription. If your vision is poor, you shouldn't put yourself in danger by replacing your glasses with sunglasses that don't improve your vision, so be sensible. Visit or your nearest optometrist for something made to order.
#4: Keeping food outside
Foodborne illnesses peak in the summer and this is because of the bacteria that thrives in food during the hot weather. If you're picnicking outside or having barbecues, you shouldn't risk eating food that has been out in the sunlight too long. You can protect yourself by refrigerating your leftover food, be that in your home, or through the use of a cooling bag if you're out for the day. Of course, you can also prepare or cook a sensible amount of food, as this way, there will be no chance of any leftovers sitting in the sun.
#5: Not protecting yourself from ticks
There are a number of pests to watch out for during the summer, including flies, mosquitos, and wasps. Mosquito repellant and nets around your home can protect you from these menaces. Ticks are another common problem, but people sometimes forget the damage they can cause. If they make their way onto your body, they could cause Heartland Virus and Lyme Disease, and these could both result in potentially fatal complications.
You can buy tick-fighting repellants from your local pharmacy, so be sure to stock up. Make sure you wear long clothing when out on a hike, especially in areas of long grass, as ticks tend to make their home in such places. And check your body for ticks if you have been walking in the woods or similar places of high undergrowth. These tick removal tips should be adhered to if you find one attached to your body.
You don't want to ruin your summer by falling ill or risking your life, so take care. Follow our advice and commit to more research online to find out more. Now is the time to rest and relax and enjoy time with your family, so be sensible, and be mindful of all of the summer health mistakes we have mentioned.