Own Your Truth: A Simple Practice
Master this one life lesson: allowance, not resistance. Our expectations and interpretations would then not disappoint, but freed for exploration,...
Julia Parsell has been trained as a Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She was raised in a Christian family and has enjoyed a personal spiritual practice for over 30 years. A deep connection to spirit (for as long as she can remember, a young girl) has guided her life. She believes in the power of prayer and has experienced it's power. It is her desire and life purpose to encourage others to connect or reconnect with their true selves and live a liberated life.
Master this one life lesson: allowance, not resistance. Our expectations and interpretations would then not disappoint, but freed for exploration,...
Recently I had a disturbing message from my daughter. My youngest of seven grandchildren, precious three-year old tumbled head over...
While the politics of cannabis are exceedingly complex, the truth of this miraculous plant is becoming increasingly obvious: it heals...
Cannabis is a great healer and teacher plant. It can affect your health and consciousness if you use it properly....
Rose Water, Magnesium & Hemp Seed Energy - Benefits, Recipes and It’s interesting history. Raw hemp seeds are one of...
Don’t expect it of another, be it.
Do you sometimes feel as if you are stuck in a rut? If so, here is a little exercise to...
I have listened to a particular recording on and off for years and testify to its wisdom and transforming ability. Deepak...
Losing someone is not a test, it is expansion. Events. Circumstances. Losses. Gains. These are more than what they seem...
Listen to this message from Kryon about the 5 ways humans are being prepared for a major shift in consciousness...
I am drawn to it like a magnet. This drawing, the illumination within me liberates my consciousness, expands my knowing...
My life is supported by two factors. Both are ingredients. Train your subconscious and nourish your body. The results are...
Every cell of our body houses intuition. It is not a magical skill, it is intelligence. Intuition is wisdom within...
Yet, you still disconnect at times and mess up, react instead of respond, feel bad afterwards. Sound familiar? It's ok...
We are powerful creators, all of us, we have just forgotten. Let your desires flow like a gentle stream or...
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