Political Satirist Takes Up the Fight Against Tyranny
CJ Hopkins, a playwright, novelist, and columnist describes the two phases of implementation of the Great Reset as an initial...
CJ Hopkins, a playwright, novelist, and columnist describes the two phases of implementation of the Great Reset as an initial...
Midlife was once considered a time to enjoy the fruits of one’s years of work and parenting. That is no...
Sherry Turkle explains how her complicated life history led to her career researching the social impact of technology. #socialinteraction #technology
The intent behind Worldwide Freedom Day was to tell our elected officials and unelected global leaders that we withdraw our...
In a major scientific leap, University of Queensland researchers have created a quantum microscope that can reveal biological structures that...
In guidance quietly updated June 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there is a higher-than-expected number of...
Ditching fossil fuels in favor of renewable energy in order to keep warming below the 1.5ºC threshold is both "necessary...
The “Joints for Jabs” program will offer pre-rolled joints to anyone over 21 who gets a vaccine shot. #jointsforjabs
As it stands, it is impossible to live freely within an oligarchic plutocracy. The plutocrats will simply continue buying up...
In the hills outside the small village of Sexi, Peru, a fossil forest holds secrets about South America’s past millions...
Each year the International Herb Association names an Herb of the Year that has outstanding medicinal, culinary or decorative characteristics....
Natasha Deganello Giraudie discusses her seven lessons that I learned and was reminded of through the experience of co-directing the...
Peaceful protests work. In the U.K., following massive protests against vaccine passports, the government may now scrap its plan for...
Could it be that the whole COVID-19 pandemic was about the vaccine and getting a global mass vaccination campaign underway...
We are living in the land of fake belief. Nothing is as it seems in this virtual world invented and...
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