Judicial review case – AVN v Secretary of Health – Filed in Federal Court
For Immediate Release:
1 February, 2022

Today, the Australian Vaccination-risks Network, Inc. (AVN) has filed a Judicial Review case in the Federal Court of Australia, asking the court to order Dr. Brendan Murphy, Secretary of the Department of Health, to meet his obligation to follow the science and cancel or suspend the provisional approval for all experimental COVID vaccines in Australia.
Instructing solicitor, Peter Fam, of Maat’s Method Solicitors, filed pleadings, a substantial affidavit including dozens of peer-reviewed and pre-print studies on the harms caused by COVID vaccines, urgently seeking a hearing date. You can view the video of his filings here, and copies of all court submissions here.
The AVN believes that the Australian Government has acted in opposition to the dictates of the Precautionary Principle, failing in their duty of care by not just distributing and recommending, but mandating Australians to take this medical procedure. There can be no informed consent when someone’s livelihood and ability to feed their children is on the line.
“Over recent decades, an average of 2.4 people have died and approximately 3,500 injuries were reported every 12 months from all conventional licensed vaccines,” says retired Barrister Julian Gillespie, author of the original opinion and brief. “Yet in less than 12 months since COVID injections began, 755 deaths and 104,236 injuries have been reported.”
AVN believes the unprecedented upsurge in deaths and injuries, should have been actioned and stopped by Dr. Murphy over nine months ago. Instead, the rollout continues, even in ages where the risks of the vaccination so grossly outweigh the risks posed by COVID-19.
USA Media: Jen Smith | jen@getreal.media | 714 883 4818
AUS Media: Meryl Dorey | meryl@avn.org.au | 0414 872 032
Available for Interview:
Julian Gillespie (Former Barrister & AVN Consultant) and/or Meryl Dorey (Founder, AVN)