By Forrest Rivers
Dear Humanity,
Earth here. Remember me? This is your eternal mother who feeds you, quenches your thirst and who gives you this gift of life. It has been a long while since I last wrote to you, but I feel obliged to share my thoughts amidst the health crisis you currently face. First, let me say, that I am truly sorry for the heavy loss of life that you have endured. I did not intend for this virus to have such a devastating impact on you. Please trust, that I never act with malicious intent. Always, my acts arise from the perfect harmony and flow of the Cosmos. However, I did intend to slow down the engines of the money economy that many among you seem to worship as if it were God Itself! More specifically, my aim was to get your kind to reflect on the immense harm you have caused to both me and by extension, yourselves. Sadly, your megalomaniac rulers are mostly to blame for these tragic deaths. In truth, if your systems of power had only cared about your poor, elderly and most vulnerable in society many more lives could have been saved. However, your authorities insist on prioritizing this illusionary thing that you call money over the well-being of all Earth’s inhabitants. Greed and lack of reverence for life is a creed that only results in mass suffering. The great prophets of all your spiritual faiths and traditions taught as much. This all brings me to my main point for writing you this letter: to inspire reflection. I hope this pandemic has brought your species to these three key revelations:
First Revelation: You are at my mercy
I hope the past two months has served to awaken you to the fact that you are at my mercy. Through this virus, I have clearly shown you that at the drop of a hat I can summon the forces of nature and easily disrupt and topple your structures of hubris! And, I have always been able to do so through producing natural disasters like pandemics; tornados and hurricanes; earthquakes and tsunamis; floods and volcanic eruptions. Please, know, that I give you everything you need to thrive and flourish. Plentiful food and water; rarefied air to fill your lungs with; majestic mountains to climb and gain perspective upon; crystal clear lakes and rivers to bathe and cool off in; beautiful animals to bond with and sacred plants to heal and enlighten you. In short, your species is just one tiny fragment of my infinite consciousness. Without me, there is no you. For I am you…. just as you are also me. We are not separate but one. Please, also know that when you build structures that wind up harming me you are only harming yourself. It is my dharma, my divine duty, to protect all that is holy. So, when your species harms the sacred unity of creation, I am obligated to destroy those very structures. By the way…. how’s that economy of yours performing at this very moment?
Second Revelation: Your way of Life is Destructive and Unsustainable
This unfolding pandemic has painfully revealed how unwise your species has been living. A truly civilized people teach and live by the values of peace, unity, and love. A truly civilized people also realize their inherent oneness with the Earth and would never do me harm. A truly civilized people are one who cultivates a presence of loving awareness within their elders and youth alike. Based on your current actions, it appears that your political leaders and captains of industry show little care for the fate of our planet. Massive deforestation; catastrophic climate change related events; oil and nuclear spills; the widespread contamination of rivers, lakes, and oceans; and the mass extinction of Earth’s living beings are just a sample of the ways in which your worship of consumerism has desecrated my spirit and body. I hope this pandemic has provided a moment of important reflection for you. For in the wake of the shutdown of your industries, I am actually beginning to heal. Did you know that people gathered in India’s urban centers can now see my glorious Himalayan snow-caped peaks for the first time in half a century?!?! I can’t begin to describe how good it feels to have this respite from your rampant and frenetic development schemes! In just the two months since I brought your economy to a standstill my air is cleaner, many of my waters are swimmable again and that noxious smog that perpetually hangs above your cities have receded. My children, it feels so nice to breathe again!
Third Revelation: Look to Indigenous Traditions to Guide you
Despite the misguided ways of your Dominant Culture, there is a path to follow that will bring you eternal peace, harmony and union with me. The sacred and time-honored traditions of your indigenous peoples hold the secrets to both your future happiness and survival. No matter where or when my beloved indigenous peoples have emerged, they have all shared three things in common beyond space and time:
- A deep and lived inborn belief that the Earth is sacred and is indeed the supreme source of all revelatory wisdom
- Established life-style patterns in which humans take only the bare minimum of resources they need from me in order to survive
- A long and hallowed commitment to defending me from the onslaughts of society’s plunderers
Sadly, you find yourself at a very perilous crossroads. At this moment, you so desperately NEED the wisdom of your indigenous peoples. However, you have destroyed the very foundations of their cultures! Rather than honor these faithful devotees of the Earth, you insist on desecrating their sacred lands, converting them to your diabolical industrial creed and relegating these proud peoples to a life of deprivation detached from their spiritual traditions. Shame on all your “leaders” for their rapacious arrogance and lack of compassion. And shame on you, the people, for your willing complacency and lack of courage to stand up for what is right! Amid this health crisis, have many of you stopped to consider how badly this pandemic may be hurting your indigenous communities…. those very same communities who have been made vulnerable by your culture’s ruthless predations over the centuries? Amid this crisis, you have shown great concern for your elderly and those with underlying health conditions. However, have you extended much direct aid to sick indigenous elders who hold the ancient knowledge of YOUR survival through their declining languages and traditions?
I wish to end this letter with a positive and uplifting message. ALL HOPE IS NOT LOST! It is not too late to change your ways. If ALL of humanity decides to deeply reflect upon and heed these three revelations that I have laid out before you; then the balance of Earth can be restored and my dream of an everlasting union with you realized. Know, that I am pulling for you to succeed. For if you succeed, we both succeed. The choice is yours. Use your gift of freewill wisely!
With blessings and love,
Your Earth Mother