Gaining a new perspective is helpful if it propels you forward and builds you up. Self-preservation is essential to quality living. Why? As you are strong, self-assured and thus loving to all, then your life is as a beneficial seed. It self-propagates along the journey creating beauty and sustenance. Hence it produces, life giving qualities and quality of life!
Planes of Existence?
For many years, since my youth, I have ascribed to ‘different planes of existence’. I didn’t fully know what that meant, I just knew that as individuals we had choice in the matter of how we experienced life. I was drawn to spiritual teachings and being raised Christian, I loved the words of Jesus Christ.
Icobod – The Spirit has Left?
The confusing part was the hypocrisy and bickering that occurred within some churches I attended. At one point I actually uttered, Ichobod would be written across the door of a certain church, for I felt the Spirit had left the building. I believe I woke up, when I left certain church teachings. Those being: damnation to unbelievers, (you have to accept Jesus as the Son of God to enter heaven), God is out there somewhere (as opposed to living within each person) and a huge amount of judging others.
Service to Others?
Now, if you are still with me here, I respect everyone’s belief and whatever, however you understand spiritual truths. Especially if they lead you to a peaceful and abundant life. A life where you realize self-care is integral to serving others. It is from this place that service to others is in the highest order, because relationships are the core of our existence. I believe Jesus Christ’s words, “I have come so you will know and experience an abundant life.”
What Does Deep Intuition Teach?
My journey has confirmed that we all walk on many planes of existence. Our physical world is of the five senses: sight, touch, hearing, talking and smelling. On another plane is the spiritual, the knowing that takes priority over the physicalness of a thing. The deep intuition that says, yes, this is true. Certain ‘facts of life’ can be skewed by manipulation, thus certain scientific findings are determined by the data presented. Let’s take a volatile issue of the day and open some doors: climate change/global warming.
Some may say, we are doomed if man doesn’t change certain behaviors, carbon emissions for example. Others say, I don’t believe that climate change exists.
What do you believe? It is important to know your beliefs. Don't succumb to propaganda. I won't tell you what to believe. I will exhort you to wander around ideas that intrigue you and be an investigator of truth. Remember, you are not lost and you don't need to be saved. You have everything you need built right into your inner being.
Be well and live well, my friends. Much love to you, Julia
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, daughter, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina.