Empty Wisdom
For those of you who are not familiar with the ancient little Chinese treasure called the Tao Te Ching (written by Lao Tzu), I would like to introduce you to one if its many inviting wisdoms.
For those who are ‘old hat’ with the Tao — maybe this extract I'm about to reveal will serve as a refreshing reminder or even a tiny glimpse at a different perspective.
I was perusing the reflective musings when I stopped dead at teaching no. 11. Let me share it with you:
“A wheel is useful, because of the hole at the centre of the hub.
A clay pot is useful, because it contains empty space.
Doors and windows are useful, because they are gaps in the walls.
The value of what is there, lies in what is not there!”
Dude, how cool is that?
Nothing Can Be Everything!
The way I interpret this pearl of pensivity is that there is value in everything — seen or unseen.
In a world where (predominantly) what can be seen or proved is the only truth, this Lao Tzu diamond demonstrates that we shouldn’t be throwing the baby out with the bath water!
The unseen is just as valuable and palpable as the seen. Just like the Tao.
What is the Tao?
It is the great mystery. The absolute principle underlying the universe, uniting within itself the yin and yang and signifying ‘the way’, or code of behavior, that is in complete harmony with natural order.
Mmmmmm….what a beautiful concept.
“Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.” — Johnathan Swift
Misery or Mystery?
And what is life without a bit of mystery? There are so many questions that we, as humans, will probably never get answers to and perhaps that's alright — we need to make our peace with that.
The very essence of enigma is a tantalizing and playful state. Walking around in reverence to all that is seen and unseen can be a very healthy stance in a world that is seemingly chaotic and beautiful all at the same time.
It can do your nut in!
But to just ponder the possibility that there is always more than meets the eye gives us a glimmer of hope that there are greater workings behind the mysterious veil of life on Earth — a place where even nothing can be deemed valuable.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein
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Cherie Roe Dirksen is a self-empowerment author/columnist/radio presenter, multi-media artist and musician from South Africa.
To date, she has published 3 self-help and motivational books and brings out weekly inspirational blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.com. Get stuck into finding your passion, purpose and joy by downloading some of those books gratis when you click HERE.
Her ambition is to help you to connect with your innate gift of creativity and living the life you came here to experience by taking responsibility for your actions and becoming the co-creator of your reality. You can follow Cherie on Facebook (The Art of Empowerment — for article updates). She has an official art Facebook page (Cherie Roe Dirksen – for new art updates). You can also check out her Facebook band page at Templeton Universe.
This article (4 Reasons to Entice You to Quit Drama) is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author Cherie Roe Dirksen and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.
Self-Empowerment Books by Cherie Roe Dirksen:
OMG Cherie! This is an AWESOME article. I love the quote from the Tao, and I really love your observations and your humor. It is such a great honor to have your articles on ConscoiusLifeNews. 1001 Blessings to you. -Ross
Ross, it’s a great honor to write for CLN — I love every minute! Thank you so much for your comment. You’re the best!
Thanku for an interesting article that came at the right time again. peace and love
So glad you enjoyed it. Much love xxx
Way cool dudette!