The Sun goes into an opposition with the expansive Jupiter. Oppositions in Astrology, where two planets are exactly 180 degrees apart and directly oppose each other can often be tricky but this one is blessed with real opportunities. Why? Well, although Jupiter may still be in a retrograde through to the 11th August, it is still in one of its two homes zones, of Sagittarius. And Sagittarius energy can be happy go lucky, optimistic and hopeful and this does come from Jupiter’s rulership.
The Sun in contrast is in the bubbling and effervescent sign of Gemini. This Sun location is all about lots of rapid actions, quick wits, zippy communication, and the everyday chatter that we all enjoy through text, email and social media. Both zodiac signs are also Mutable, in that they flex, and can quickly adapt to different conditions.
If you are a little more of a reflective or reserved person, this transit which lasts from Friday 7th to Thursday 13th (with a three degree Orb or gap, and is exact on the 10th June) is a fine time to find that extra spark of self believe to up your vibe, and let people know about your talents and skills. If you are someone who has no shortage of self belief, this is not a time to promise more than you can realistically deliver. But enthusiasm, a can do attitude, and a leap of faith can most certainly render results.
We may feel some luck can fall to us, and it can. Obviously no time is a good time to take risks with hard earned resources unless we can really afford it, but if we have done our research, some kind of speculation can lead to accumulation. This can be a very sociable influence, so if getting together with others, or chance encounters can prove beneficial. To understand more, why not order your Personal Character Analysis or one of my other range of informative reports in my enhanced Personal Horoscope store? PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR MORE…