While there is no rule to the specific conditions in which a standing wave can form, a common example of a physical medium in which we can view a standing wave with our own eyes is when you strike a guitar string, or when the wind blows the surface water of a lake to create visual masterpieces of infinite patterns that appear to be in motion, but do not appear to move.
How is this so?
Simple physics explains: “In a bounded medium, standing waves occur when a wave with the correct wavelength meets its reflection. The interference of these two waves produces a resultant wave that does not appear to move.” (Source: https://physics.info/waves-standing/)
In layman’s terms, when equal amplitudes connect in such a way, they thus become the equal and opposite reflection of one another.
Where am I going with this? Well, for one, we humans, being the clusters of atomic and cellular awesomeness that we are, exist as conscious, aware, emotional and spiritual groupings of quantum matter. All of which are “leading their own lives” and doing their thing. And if “we”, as in-the control pilot of this crazy train, make an honest effort to remember that, it will always serve as an infinite reminder that everything, yes everything in creation is one..within itself and within all things.
It takes a mere moment to literally feel into this truth…for every moment we choose to own and fully embrace with attention and connection, is a moment we recollect with all things not only within, but around us. This serves us in allowing a perhaps long lost connection to our purpose, our potential and ultimately our progression on our unique, yet connected path.
While I was never quite good at math, once I fell into the pool of Quantum Mechanics, I was immediately willing to drown. It opened a door for me to a place I had always known existed but never imagined I’d ever visit, nonetheless want to stay.
However, the more I learned how innately connected the powers and forces of Nature are, and that we too are a part of it all, unfolding ourselves in the same way roses unfold petals to bloom or an acorn breaks it’s own protective shell to become the mighty oak tree, the more I swam and dove into the world of all things Quantum.
I realized that I didn’t need to be able to perform complicated calculations or write intrinsic equations to enjoy, learn from and eventually teach from such a magical world. The simple acknowledgment of the Fibonacci spiral that is within every crevice of Nature from the patterns in a growing cabbage to the raging hurricane is honestly enough as each follows a mathematical rule: for each to continue unfolding to become more of itself.
Perhaps the greatest lesson I’ve taken from Quantum Mechanics is that while we cannot physically be in two places at once (Bilocation), we can exist in many places and states simultaneously, and remain connected to all we encounter throughout life (Entanglement), no matter what human label we toss on it such as “good” or “bad” experiences. Everything builds to create an inner consciousness we reflect on, listen to, and are influenced by daily, whether we are aware of this connection or not. Memory, our senses and our imaginations allow us the freedom to explore our world on many levels.
On a grander scale, this taught me many things about love and how things become their greatest selves when love is present throughout the process. If you are reading this then chances are good you are aware of Dr. Emoto and his famous experiments on water crystals. If a simple label saying “I hate you” can change water on a cellular level, and we are about 75% water, then imagine what our inner conversations and thoughts are doing to our Quantum communities of cells, organs, and energy bodies?
We often tend to get distracted by the world outside. And while I’m a born loner (and yet love people), I’m not encouraging you to become a recluse or anything, but rather to make a point to give your inner world as much time and attention as you do the outer. As the saying goes, “We cannot pour from an empty cup.” I’m not talking about diet, but rather the energy we feed on.
The more we do this, the better apt we are to remain aware of (and use to best serve us) our reactions, our reachings, and our revelations. Often we hear in the Spiritual Community to always “Stay Positive!”. And while I agree and cannot deny the fact that the human body, mind, and spirit put out and react to energy signatures or frequencies that can either interfere with or resonate with those around it, I also believe that human consciousness allows us access to a secret “control room” within that allows us to BE in and remain in a certain vibration or frequency, while simultaneously resonating with those in varying other vibrations or frequencies.
Call it a proverbial “stepping into another’s energy shoes”. We can learn quickly that while certain energies do have the ability to affect our own, it ultimately remains our conscious choice as to what we resonate with.
Time truly does fly when you’re having fun and in my opinion, this occurs because of certain positive emotions that cause time itself to expand (on a linear scale although time in itself is not linear but cyclical), thus requiring anything in motion contained with the moments to “move” at a faster rate of speed.
So, no matter how you’re feeling at this moment, own it, allow it and let it be a tool that assists you in your personal growth, acceptance, and mission. Stand tall in who you are and always know that although it may seem like things don’t change, or you continue to miss the mark, that if we honor all of them as teachers, we ultimately gain the insight to know that we all have the power to make a difference, even within our own cells and that the best teachers were once the most open-minded students.
Personal power is not about control, but rather becoming aware of your personal resonance. Be a song to the world that you wouldn’t mind having on repeat yourself and it will become a song the world will sing together.
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
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This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.