Feng Shui is a Chinese system of harmonizing the environment by balancing the elements to create a specific ambiance, clear negative energy and or bring in positive energy. These 8 Feng Shui tips can help you to not only bring in waves of prosperity, but they will keep the money flowing and growing.
8 Feng Shui Prosperity Tips
- On a small piece of paper write the number 8 on it. Place the paper in your wallet. An 8 is also the infinity sign and when you place the infinity sign in your wallet, you are creating a flow that goes from you and to you. Whatever money that goes out, will come back in to you.
- Place a citrine crystal in the money corner of your room, home or business. The money corner is the furthest corner to the left in your room, home or business.
- Repair any leaky faucets in your space. The leak can represent money leaking from your wallet or bank account.
- Get rid of the clutter. Clutter creates stagnancy in your space and prevents the flow of abundance from moving into your space.
- Add a live plant to any room in your space. The living plant represents a growing and thriving environment.
- Bring in a water foundation into your abundance corner. This constant movement of the water keeps the energy flowing and moving.
- Place a money frog by your front door facing in or in the wealth corner of your dwelling.
- Purchase 3 goldfish; 2 orange fish and one black fish. The orange fish bring wealth to you and the black one absorbs negativity that may be preventing you from being abundant.
These Feng Shui tips are meant to help you recognize and shift the energy in your environment. Give them each a try one at a time to see which method works best for you. It's also a good idea to switch up the energy in your space on a regular basis.
Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Laurie Barraco is a professional intuitive counselor, medium, author, recording artist, teacher and the owner of The Mystical Moon, a healing center in Fort Myers, Florida. Laurie offers readings, courses and healing products through The Mystical Moon Online Store. You can connect with her at The Mystical Moon Facebook Page.