Pain free, financially free, toxic free, worry free.
Spend a few minutes within this text and be encouraged on how you can feel free.
Dr. Christiane Northrup (especially for women) and Dr. Joe Dispensa (for all), have encouraged me over and over again through their written word. They both offer life wisdom, so specifically you may feel you have your own personal guru by your side.
If you want to experience freedom of any sort, you must be willing to change. Desiring to be free implies you feel stuck. Being stuck is where disease of mind or body occurs. However, when you are free, then your life flows like a beautiful stream. Yes, there are still rocks and challenging courses, but you move past them. Movement is the key. Stagnation equals illness, just as unresolved anger, stress, or not living your truth.
Where to begin? How do I want to feel?
Eat clean and be rested. It repairs and reboots our immune system.
If you want your skin to be repaired and look better quickly, try this three-day nutritional facelift from Dr. Nick Perricone, author of The Wrinkle Cure: eat nothing but wild-caught salmon, watercress, blueberries, and cantaloupe for three days. All of these foods are rich in antioxidants and other micronutrients that will help heal your gut, reduce inflammation and oxidative stress and contribute to glowing skin.
Christiane shares, “‘Beauty’ sleep is no joke. Everything is connected, so as you change your diet, combat stress by learning methods to relax deeply, breathe fully, release old resentments and anger, move your body joyously, laugh more, and replenish yourself with a good night’s sleep most nights, you’ll look and feel better in every way.” (Goddesses Never Age). She also shares how to stimulate every organ in your body with a tennis ball: rub your foot over it back and forth. Then use it to give yourself a back massage. Put the ball behind your back against a wall move it around your back.
Talk to Yourself
Goals, affirmations: they don't make something happen, they make something welcome. (Christiane Northtrup) Divine beloved, please change me into a person that always encourages, is courageous at new opportunities and is free from what others think. “Mental rehearsal primes the brain, it activates circuits so the brain is turned on and so we get up – we actually follow suit with our intention.” (Joe Dispenza)
If you can bring up the emotion of appreciation or thankfulness, and combine it with a clear intention, you’re now beginning to embody the event emotionally. You’re changing your brain and body. Specifically, you’re chemically instructing your body to know what your mind has philosophically known. We could say that you’re in a new future in the present moment. You’re no longer using familiar, primitive emotions to keep you anchored to the past; you’re now using elevated emotions to drive you into a new future. (Joe Dispenza)
7 Steps to Freedom! The Natural State of Being
1. Write down your goal. 80% of people who do this accomplish it.
2. Get clear on sponsoring thoughts, the whys…they are the fuel for passion. Gives your body a taste for the future.
3. Review, Rewind, Remind. This changes your brain.
4. Take it out for a test drive, hold yourself accountable. Inspiration comes after a few times of practicing, then momentum occurs. Genius – being uncomfortable and being OK with it. You have to train the brain to “sit” “stay”.
5. Track your changes Create a simple reward system.
6. Change your energy, change your life. You must come out of the resting state everyday. Seems unnatural at first…we are lifting ourselves to new places of energy. Key ingredient: I am going to master this day and I am not going to get up until I feel as I should feel.
The old model of feeling is Newtonian. The new model is quantum: feeling what you want. “Knowingness”. You just know it is going to happen. Energy is solidified and you are in the flow. This is the Natural State of Being!
7. Invest in yourself. This is not selfish, it is healthy. Line up, queue your environment with notes to self: “You are so worth this!!” Be in love with life.
Northrup, Dr. Christiane. Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being. Hay House, Inc., 2015
Dispenza, Dr. Joe. You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter. Hay House, Inc., 2014

Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina. Please visit her blog here.
Awesome article Julia! This is very helpful!!! Thanks, Ross
Thank you, Ross! It’s helpful to me too! All is flux, isn’t it 😊.