Hello friend! Ross Pittman here, Editor of Conscious Life News. I rarely promote online events, but today I want to share with you something that I'm incredibly passionate about.
I'm absolutely thrilled to invite you to participate in tonight's prayer/intention online (and via phone) gathering at 5:30pm Pacific, hosted by my dear friend, Michelle Skaletski-Boyd! It's essential that we participate in events like this so that we, together, can deliberately create a more harmonious world. See: If You Want a Better World, Become a Quantum Activist.
Will you please join me?
Here are 7 miraculous reasons for you to attend tonight’s 30-minute prayer/intention circle:
- Prayers Heal. In his groundbreaking book, “Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine“, Dr. Larry Dossey concluded that prayers can REALLY heal. Prayers can heal you, others, and our world! See also: Science Proves the Healing Power of Prayer.
- Group prayer/intention amplifies the results. Lynne McTaggart has run over 30 group intention experiments over the years that have been incredibly successful. See: Lynne McTaggart on the Power of Group Intention.
- You will personally benefit by participating. Praying for others has a profound “rebound effect.” The people who pray or send intentions for others get just as much benefit as the prayer recipients. For example, when you pray for peace, you’ll feel more peaceful. See:The miraculous rebound power of group intention.
- Our one and only home, Mother Earth, needs our love, our care, and our prayers. Only when we’ve truly fallen back in love with the Earth will our actions spring from reverence. See: We Need a Revolution: It Starts with Falling in Love with the Earth.
- We appear to be on the verge of a world war. Prayers for peace are needed now more than ever!
- Praying with others brings us all closer together as a global community and gives each person who participates a feeling of being a part of something much bigger than their individual self, and a sense of unity.
- Group prayer for a peaceful, loving, united world is the ONLY way it will happen. Our leaders seemingly have no desire whatsoever for peace in the world. We need to take control of our future. And, we need to do it now. This is how we do it!
Join Us TONIGHT'S for This 30-Minute Online Prayer Circle at @ 5:30pm Pacific
The event access details are below. But, before we get to the details, read this heart-felt message from my dear friend, Michelle Skaletski-Boyd, who is hosting tonight's event:
Just like the weather, I have been filled with a mixture of both peace and disturbance much like the sunshine playing hide-and-seek with the rain.
I have sensed many of you are experiencing these same types of energies. In fact, several of you have reached out recently to share your good news as well as your struggles, and many have expressed discomfort yet continue to keep the faith, hoping and trusting better times are ahead.
You are not alone in your need to vent or your need to be heard and understood. We all need an outlet to stay clear, and this is where community and the power of prayer can come in.
I am reaching out to you because my prayer is that you will consider joining me online this week for 30 minutes, the evening of Thursday, May 10th to partake in a prayer circle — for one another, for the world, and for yourself.
“For where two or more have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Matthew 18:20
Group intention is very powerful, as is your presence. Though life can get busy, I ask that you be there in-person to share your energies, your intentions, your love, and your grace.
Your event access options are listed below. I will personally be dialing in from Montana via video conference, and I also invite you and anyone else in your home who wishes to join you to turn on your video camera so we can see each other as we gather.
Topic: Prayer Circle-Power of Intention (a 30 minute gathering)
Time: May 10, 2018 5:30 PM Pacific/6:30 PM Mountain/7:30 PM Central/8:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16468769923,,921897520# or +16699006833,,921897520#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
Canada: +1 647 558 0588
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 3695 0088
Australia: +61 (0) 2 8015 2088
Meeting ID: 921 897 520
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/
(Note that you do NOT need to have a camera on your computer to participate. You have three choices to access the call: via phone, online via Zoom with video enabled, or online via Zoom with video turned off.)
I REALLY hope to see you on the call tonight!
Love and blessings,