The Seven Most Effective Techniques for Inducing an Out of Body Experience
Firstly, it is important to say that before attempting to use any of the Techniques for inducing an Out of Body Experience, you should be fully-relaxed in mind and body. contains lots of information and tips in order to reach the desired state of mind.
Inducing an Out of Body Experience is not something to be forced, and without sufficient relaxation, you are unlikely to project successfully! Read about Out of Body Experience techniques, by all means, but do understand that until you have mastered relaxation and trance-states, you will not be able to do much with them. Learn about how to enter a Deep Trance here!
Now, that said, here are the Seven Best Techniques for Inducing an Out of Body Experience:
1. Inducing an Out of Body Experience Using The Rope Technique
The Rope Projection technique is said to have been devised by Robert Bruce, one of the foremost figures in the world of Astral Projection. The idea was for a method of projection that would be effective for people who were without sight and therefore relies more on tactile experience than visual memories. The technique hinges around an imaginary rope that hangs above you from the ceiling.
As you lie on your bed, you imagine the rope hanging down towards you, and what you do is visualize yourself (or rather, your Astral Self) taking hold of the rope, and pulling yourself up the rope, one hand at a time, all the while concentrating on the sensations as you climb upwards. Be aware of the feeling of the rope against your hands, and the motion of your body as you pull yourself up from your bed, and concentrating also on the feelings of your arms slowly but surely pulling yourself upwards.
The Rope Technique is extraordinarily successful at inducing an Out of Body Experience, even in people who have struggled for a long time to see any results. Quite quickly, a feeling of fairly intense vertigo is experienced, and projection is generally instantaneous, provided the student has kept themselves calm and relaxed throughout.
2. Out of Body Experience using the Ladder Technique
Occasionally, people have difficulty with the rope technique for astral projection, as they just don’t feel that their imaginary hands and arms are strong enough to hold them and pull them up the rope. This may sound strange to you, but it is a phenomenon more common than you would think!
In this instance, a ladder may be imagined hanging from the ceiling, instead, which has the benefit of allowing the would-be Astral Projector to use his or her feet, as well as the hands.
All other aspects of this method remain the same as with the Rope Projection Technique.
3. Out of Body Experience with the Point Shift Method
The next two techniques for Out of Body Experiences are slightly more traditional and also more difficult for many people. However, some people take to these kinds of Astral Projection techniques like a duck to water, and it is certainly good to have as many different methods under your belt as possible.
The point shift method involves becoming intensely aware of your own body and then mapping out in your imagination where everything in your room is, in relation to you and each other. It is for this reason that it requires quite a lot of concentration.
Once this stage has been reached, you then can feel yourself float, just a few inches, at first, and then visualize all of your surroundings from that new perspective. The idea is to feel as if you have already projected out of your body, and keeping your awareness of where you are and what you visualize from the view-point of your imaginary self!
Finally, you slowly rise from your physical body. This takes what can only be described as a very relaxed form of will-power. Some force is necessary, but you must not allow your body to become tense. Congratulations, you have projected, and once this method of Astral Projection is mastered, you will find it far easier to project under almost any circumstances.