By Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project
On Monday, the Federal government implemented sweeping recommendations, bans, and of course, bailouts for the rich. State and local governments then quickly followed suit and began to shut down restaurants, bars, gyms, churches, and other areas in which larger groups gather. Primary elections are being suspended, millions of people are locked down, and curfews and police state actions are getting closer on the horizon.
Social distancing is undoubtedly the best way to stop the spread of this disease and most experts — not talking about the mainstream media — are recommending we do this, or things will get really bad: as in millions dead in America alone.
Make no mistake, things will get much worse before they start to get better. But it is not all doom and gloom. There are things you can do in your local community and around the world to help those affected by these dark times..
Help those affected by the recent closures
Monday marked a day in this country which has never happened. From coast to coast millions of workers simultaneously found out that they will not have jobs the next day. The impact was so large that it overwhelmed unemployment websites, causing them to crash. The coronavirus measures could impact these people in extreme ways and for months to come.
Some dine-in restaurants are allowed to stay open during these times to serve take-out meals. If you are still able to freely travel in your town, you should consider visiting some of these places if you can afford it and tipping well as the $2.13 an hour wage is not sustainable.
If you know others affected by this shutdown, consider helping them out with food or donations or work, if you have it. Another way to help is to buy gift cards to your favorite local restaurants, stores, from your hair stylist and local spa. The business will get the money today, but you can use it later. Pay in cash, if possible, to avoid further lag time.
If you are one of the folks affected by these closures, check your state’s guidelines as some of them are already rolling out measures to support you.
Also, it is estimated that roughly 40 percent of the medical workforce is affected by the closure of schools. If you can watch a healthcare worker’s child so they can get back to helping countless other sick people, this effort will prove to make a massive difference.
Run errands for those who cannot leave their homes
As the virus continues to spread, there will be more and more people who are quarantined in their homes. The panic from self-quarantine has already caused runs on grocery stores as well as the idiotic hoarding of toilet paper. Many of these folks who are now quarantined may not have had time to get supplies before they were unable to leave their homes. You can help them.
Kelly Arsenault, in Knoxville, TN is providing an inspiring example of how this can look in your community. She started a “Kindness Committee” to help those who cannot leave their homes.
If your neighborhood doesn’t have one, it is as simple as creating a form on Google. Arsenault’s neighbor created a form that allows homeowners in the neighborhood to volunteer help. Then, those who are in need can request it.
This simple online tool is providing a much needed resource to those in need and all of it is being done without calling 911 or waiting for the government to help.
Donate blood
As Town and Country points out, the Red Cross is concerned that coronavirus will threaten America’s blood supply. As more people contract the virus, fewer people will be eligible to donate blood. The organization asks healthy people to donate blood despite the pandemic, and emphasizes that there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be contracted through blood.
More and more people are cancelling their blood donation appointments, which could cause bigger problems in the future. The Red Cross emphasized that they are being meticulous to prevent spread during donations and keep everyone safe.
“We need people to prevent the blood supply from getting depleted. We need it not to get to the point that surgeries are having to get canceled. That’s something we absolutely do not want to have happen,” said Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. “To ensure an adequate blood supply we need people to come out and donate blood.”