Come walk with me in the woods. Three others are there and we will observe, see, and feel with them. The first person has a very busy mind and not aware of the wind gently blowing the new buds on the tree, or the robin as it pecks through the pine needles for a worm. The second takes a deep breath, looks up at the sky, smiles, and walks peacefully on the ambling trail. The third person steps onto the trail and feels the heartbeat of tree, hears the bee on the lemon balm 20 feet ahead, and sees every color in the universe on dew drops clinging to the art piece of an eight legged beauty.
Same scape, same time, different experiences all attributed to the level of consciousness each person has either developed or stunted. Awake, aware, alert; this is the subtle aspect of our human capacity beyond our body and our mind. It is pure energy in its highest form and named higher consciousness. Consciousness comprises most of the structure of matter according to quantum physics. To understand this in a different context is to recognize the role of subconscious behavior. Our subconscious (below our awareness) is the seat of our habits and automatic thoughts. It has been trained by our environment, habits, and memories In other words it has been conditioned. An effective way to achieve higher consciousness is to change this conditioned programing.
Big ideas seed our consciousness. Just a plant grows from a tiny seed; over time subtle higher suggestions will positively affect our lives. The benefits of developing higher consciousness are experiences of greater peace, joy and unconditional love.
Ways to develop higher consciousness.
- Reprogram the subconscious: i.e. bad habits, limiting beliefs, negative judgments of self and others, etc. The use of stronger counter suggestions, frequently repeated.
- Mindfulness: Stay current with what you are doing. The second person in the woods was demonstrating mindfulness.
- Mediation: This includes many forms active and still. From dancing alone, biking, walking in the woods, sitting, and lying down.
- Routines: Good sleep habits, bedtime rituals and waking disciplines. These can include listening or reading ideas that help correct negative thinking. Music that keeps your mind quiet and positive.
- Spiritual dancing: Combines body, mind, and consciousness. This union increases our awareness.
E.P.I.C. = Enlightenments Portal is Consciousness
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As a home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina. Please visit her blog here.
Awesome article Julia!!!! I love it!!!!! -Ross
Thank you, Ross!
Absolutely agree with all of the above. Don’t know about others but the challenge to stay in a higher vibration never stops. I have not reached a plateau; just different levels of wisdom. As long as we must deal with 3D limitations I don’t see a change. One thing I read that was helpful to me was to keep imagining and asking for Ascension and for the light body that we have. Without that I am pulled (gets better with practice) into 3D.
Hi AliceinW, For sure living in 3D can be challenging and we won’t have the perfection aspect of “God Choice” in this plane. But challenging is good in many ways, cause we always have something to strive for. 🙂 I agree imagination is intergal as well as the asking for Ascension. Cheers to you in your journey !Love, Julia