There are different types of massages, ranging from relaxing to painful deep tissue massage. All types are good for something, be it restoring flexibility or just spending an hour in a calm environment. While some think of getting a massage as an unaffordable luxury, there are actually situations in which a massage is needed. Even if it’s your first time, a massage is nothing to be scared of. Here are five signs you need a professional massage!
You've been feeling stressed.
Knowing what's causing stress is very useful. Unfortunately, sometimes, it's a deep-rooted issue that you simply can't pinpoint. In situations like these, a massage might just be the right thing for you! Massages tend to relax your muscles, and when your body is relaxed, your brain is automatically in a calmer state.
Entering this state will give your mind a break. Massage also increases the level of endorphins in the brain, making you generally happier and more content. It can relieve stress in ways you'd never expect! In addition to that, getting a message requires freeing up an hour of your day just for yourself.
Doing so allows you to forget about the stresses of everyday life, even if it's just momentary.
You haven't been sleeping well.
Massage can actually improve your sleeping habits! It promotes relaxation, thus preparing you for deep sleep. It's best to get massage therapy in the evening, before you start getting ready for bed. With your body already relaxed, it will be much easier to fall asleep and stay asleep until the morning.
You're experiencing pain in your neck, back, shoulders, or hips.
Pain can be a result of too much exercise, sleeping or sitting in the wrong position, or even stress! Whatever the reason is, getting a massage will help you stretch and relax your muscles. Your massage therapist works by finding tight points on your body and working through them to release the tension. That's why you might sometimes experience pain during a massage. Trust that you'll feel much better in the end. Massage also increases blood flow to these tight points and helps relax tense muscles.
You work in an office and/or have bad posture.
Those with office jobs will understand; sitting in front of a computer all day will leave you feeling sore and put a strain on your neck, back, and hips. Many office workers end up slouching to feel more comfortable in their chairs. That actually has the opposite effect, and will inevitably result in bad posture and back pain. Bad posture can also be a result of poor muscle strength. Either way, a massage can work through tense muscles and restore mobility.
You're working out.
If you just started working out, your muscles haven’t gotten used to it yet. They might be getting tired and overworked. Getting a massage will help release muscle tension and restore flexibility. Don’t forget to stretch after every workout to avoid sore muscles.