Trying to save money can be a difficult task. Being strapped for cash can make things difficult, and the thought of setting aside some cash for an emergency might bring apprehension.
In order to aid you in your money saving endeavors, we’ve brought together some of the top money saving tips we could muster. Follow these great money saving tips and even with the smallest of incomes, you’ll find your bank account start to look better and better each week!
For some of the best money saving tips you won’t ever wont to forget, continue reading:
21 Ways to Save Money To Never Forget
1. Check Competing Grocers To Get The Best Deals
Keep a close eye on how much you are spending on common items when you are out grocery shopping and then check at competing stores at a later date to ensure you are paying the smallest amount. You’ll be surprised to find that often times similar items are offered at a fraction of the cost at different stores.
2. Pack Your Own Lunch
Instead of dining out for lunch every day, bring your own lunch to work or school. Eating out for lunch every day really racks up in just a little amount of time. When you cook and bring your own lunch to work every day, you’ll find you end better at money saving As an additional benefit, you’ll likely begin to eat healthier foods as well.
3. Be Your Own Repair Man
Plenty of resources are available to you with instruction on how to complete a variety of repairs all by yourself! The next time something breaks, consider researching online to see if it is a task that you are capable of completing. Not only will you end up better at money saving, but it is especially satisfying to know that you can fix something if it breaks.
4. Opt For Store Brand Or Generics
Consider purchasing a store brand or generic merchandise over the name brand for your everyday use items. A lot of the time, these are much cheaper and are of similar quality to that of the much more expensive name brand items.
5. Keep Up On Your Auto’s Air Filter Maintenance
If you aren’t already cleaning and replacing your own auto’s air filter yourself, consider learning how and starting now! For just a small fee, you can increase the mileage and efficiency of your car by meaningful amounts, which can net you some decent money saving over the course of a year!
6. Don’t Throw Out Your Leftovers
If you’ve already made the decision to cook your meals at home, that’s great! Don’t waste your leftovers, though. Leftover food gives you the opportunity to eat for cheap the next day, and with little extra effort on your part! Whether you eat them as is, or transform them into a new dish completely, using your leftovers is a great opportunity to save some dough.
7. Skim Your Local Weekly Fliers
Each week, most grocers send out fliers with their most up to date sales and deals. If you aren’t reading these over before setting out to shop for your week’s food, consider starting now! Knowing what’s on sale ahead of time makes it easy to plan your grocery list around what’s cheapest and will enable you to save some extra money.
8. Cook Your Own Meals
If you are like a lot of people nowadays and find yourself eating out more than not, consider making the change to home-cooked meals! Preparing and eating your own food is a great way to save a lot of money and will likely enable you to eat much healthier. Cooking at home can also be therapeutic and is something everyone should make the time for!
9. Gift Homemade Items
If you have a birthday or holiday coming up and will be needing to provide gifts, consider crafting them yourself this year! Gifting handmade or crafted items is a great way to show you really care, and in the process, can be a great money saving opportunity! Taking the time to craft a gift yourself is a way to add a real personal touch to the gifts you hand out.
10. Double Up On Your Casseroles
If you find yourself preparing casseroles regularly, consider doubling or even tripling the recipe next time! For little extra effort on your part, you’ll have lots of extra prepared food that you can freeze in order to make for quick and convenient meals at a later date! Doing this also allows you to shop in bulk which makes for even more money savings!
11. Empty Out Your Closets
Take a look through your closets and consider getting rid of any items that you don’t use or wear any longer. But don’t just throw it in the garbage. Try selling your old stuff on eBay or Craigslist, or consider a garage sale in order to get some money back.