The full moon is an excellent time to give a goal you have been working on a little energetic boost. One of my favorite full moon rituals is the 21 Day Full Moon Ritual. This full moon activity is simple and easy to follow. As you reinforce your intention every day for 21 days you are creating a new habit or belief system as you visit your intention every day for 21 days.
I suggest taking you time creating and writing down your intention. I work with only one main intention per full moon cycle. Working on too many goals at once can be confusing and may scatter your thoughts and energy.
- Paper
- Pen
- Intention
- 21 tea lights
- Lighter/matches
- Journal
- Open mind
When writing your intention, it is best to only include yourself in your goal. When we include other people, we could be including them in a goal that is against their free will. Not only are we creating unhealthy karma in the future for ourselves but we may actually sabotage the relationship with the person we included in our intention. Another suggestion is – be as specific as possible with your words as you write out your intention.
Clear Intention: I am Laurie Ann Barraco, it is my intention to manifest a new source of financial income that is effortless, fun, exciting and one that I will continue to learn and grow along with at a healthy pace. So be it!
Unclear Intention: Bring me money now!
Unwise Intention: It is my intention for Jim to fall madly in love with me and to propose to me.
21 Day Full Moon Ritual
- Gather your supplies.
- Write down your intention
- Find a safe place to light your tea light. An altar is an excellent place for your full moon ritual.
- On the full moon, place a tea light on top of your intention. It is always a good idea to memorize your intention or keep a copy with you for the full 21 days.
- As you light your tea light say your intention out loud. Giving voice to your intention gives it even more power.
- Allow the tea light burn out on it's own. It may take 2 to 5 hours.
- Repeat this ritual for the next 20 nights.
- During this period be sure to journal your experiences.
Each and every time we set a new goal into motion we experience change in our lives. Sometimes the change is subtle and sometimes they is a shift our foundation. By journaling your feelings, thoughts and the changes that are occurring in your life, you are conscious and aware of the reason behind the growth or shift. As you are more conscious and aware of the events in your life, the deeper understanding you have about yourself. This is one way to evolve your soul consciously.
I would love to hear from those who tried this full moon ritual.
Blessings and Light,

Laurie Barraco is a professional intuitive counselor, medium, author, recording artist, teacher and the owner of The Mystical Moon, a healing center in Fort Myers, Florida. Laurie offers readings, courses and healing products through The Mystical Moon Online Store. You can connect with her at The Mystical Moon Facebook Page.
Click here for articles written by Laurie