Allow Opposing Opinions and Perspectives
Think on this: truth builds up, it does not destroy. The way it does this is through love, self-empowerment, clarity of purpose and usefulness within a community of people.
If you have trouble allowing opposing opinions and perspectives, then maybe a universal law known as, The Law of Projection will give you insight. Built in this law is also the subtly of “shadow self”. Our shadow is our “other side”, the one that gives us trouble from time to time. When we desire to grow in this life, our shadow is our greatest teacher.
When we see a reflection, we also project. Anything reflected is also a projection of one's Self.
You can only see yourself
You can only hear yourself
You can only talk to yourself
You can only criticize yourself
You can only praise yourself
For example, saying phrases starting with: “You are, they are, she is, he is”, are all projections, whatever you add to the end of the statement would be a projection. When there is action towards, you are projecting an aspect of yourself; hence, be aware if you are calling someone annoying. In truth you are projecting your own annoying aspects at them, and the universe will reflect that annoyance back, telling you there is some aspect of annoyance you should look at. It is up to you to be aware of this and address the issues as they arise.
So be aware of what you say about others and your surroundings and understand that you can only talk to yourself, and that aspect of yourself. Do your best to be aware of any qualities you dislike so you may overcome them, while also doing your best to praise more qualities you enjoy.
Be and Live Limitless
If we strive to make change, to be our best with intellect alone, we are limited by our experiences, emotions and environment. If we strive to make change, be our best with spirit, we are unlimited. Creative energies inspire and enlighten us to a self we thought was just a dream. In truth this self is lying dormant ready to be awakened to purpose, meaning and fulfillment. This my dear is living in bliss. It is not an intellectual pursuit, but a spiritual realty. Just as we experience God in a personal way, this spiritual practice is personal as well.
But, how? It begins with a connection between our breath and stillness. Quietly communing. Taking a step away from the physical norm of our day and learning to “just be.” It is a practice of just showing up, of quiet, of stillness. Until you learn to be still, guided meditations are very helpful. Another way to quiet the mind is to walk in nature, taking time to notice the subtleties therein. The tiny flower, the hummingbird, the leaf pooled with water many beautiful sights that allow your mind to soften.
Celebrate Your Unique Individual Self
The greatest way we can contribute to our world and impact those around us is to live a peaceful, happy life. When we are at peace within our mind and balanced in our body, then we can have an impact to others that ripples hope, truth and joy. Make being healthy a priority in your life. Even if your body is not healthy at this moment in time, see it as healthy. Send unconditional love to your body. Cherish your body. It is worth the investment. We only get one body in this life. 🙂 We all need you! We need each other.
Remember the Main Thing!
Consciousness is the master. And the consciousness which is your reality has no time-space limitation. Your body grows from childhood to youth to old age to death; these changes are happening only to the body. Think of it this way. These are the changes of the furniture in the house… painting the house, changing its architecture. From this perspective, the one who lives in the house – the master of the house – is unaffected by all these things. Why? How? Because consciousness is the master.
Much love to you my friends, may you experience peace and spread it to others. Be the love others so desperately need these days. Be patient with yourself and others as well.
Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, daughter, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, art creation, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina.