“Ascension is the dramatic, emotional, and spiritual transformation in humans that will cause you to feel, think, and to be different than you were before.” Maureen J. St. Germain
Transformation will occur for all at some point. Just as we are all Homo sapiens, we are all in process to be ‘upgraded’. This is now occurring in stages, not all are experiencing this upgrade. Yet, all have the ability to experience it. It is by choice. Working on yourself is a high calling and it not only offers you transformation, but aids in the process for the collective as well. One of the major hallmarks is leaving the fear based mentality behind. Recently I wrote about what I learned about fear as I was confronted by a bear and a Copperhead. Please check it out here.
The time for truth in boldness is upon us!
The time for bliss centered living is here!
The time from not shrinking from your shadow, but learning from it is now!
The time for discernment, not judgement will reign.
Walking in the three-dimensional (3D) world offers much beauty in nature and in relationships. We experience it with our five senses and this is satisfying at times and disconcerting at others. Fifth dimensional (5D) is a physical state, where our thoughts and emotions are of a higher order. It is a state of being and not an act of doing. This state of being then affects our doing. Thus our actions and reactions in the 3D world have a different effect. Two large effects of ascending to 5D living are these: love increases and fear decreases.
Before I offer a ‘check list’ about how you will be different. Please take note: this is not about judging yourself. This is about loving yourself in spite of so called ‘short comings’. Remember, it is a process and at some point it will be natural and even easy. Until that time, be patient with yourself and consider this ‘work’ a high calling and most important. There are many ways to develop this high state of being. Conscious Life News offers a lot of tips, here are some that I have suggested. Spend time in quiet and ask yourself questions. What do I need to know now? What is the best way to be at ease? It is meditating, walking in nature, exercising? It is different for all us. Emotions are an avenue to ascending. As much as possible, keep yourself in peace and emotional balance.
Maureen J. St. Germain offers the following to aid in knowing how 5D respond verses the reactions of 3D living.
5D accepts loss – 3D needs validation.
5D lives in a state of what pleases you now – 3D is polarized (good/bad, right/wrong, etc.)
5D is fun, flexible – 3D is competitive
5D is multilinear, dynamic – 3D is linear (cause & effect)
5D is new love energy – 3D is Karma
5D is aware of emotions – 3D is “those that hold you back”
5D is expansion of experience by choice – 3D is separateness
5D is wonder – 3D is why
5D is love – 3D is fear
5D is trust – 3D is worry
Again, 5D is responsive not reactive. Living in 5D evaluates, discerns, and above all loves unconditionally. It is not something you make yourself do, it is about becoming. It is a process and as you allow yourself freedom to explore beyond seeing, then a whole new world emerges. See you there! Let’s experience this bliss together.
A great resource for learning more about 5D: St. Germain, Maureen J.. Waking Up in 5D: A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation, Inner Traditions/Bear & Company.

Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As a home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina. Please visit her blog here.