To get the greatest benefit out of the Law of Attraction, it is important to make sure the universe hears you clearly. These 10 tips can help you get your message across in the most effective way possible.
1) Be Clear
If you don't have a clear vision of exactly what you want, you won't get the results you are looking for. When communicating your desires to the universe, be as clear and specific as possible.
When you know exactly what you want and clearly state your desires, it is a lot easier for the universe to deliver.
2) Focus On Your Desires
Amplify your message to the universe by focusing on what you want. Put your imagination to work, clearly picturing in your mind how it will feel to achieve your vision. Get all of your senses involved in the process to bring your vision to life in your mind.
Focusing all of your attention on your desires helps free you from stress, allowing you to communicate your message as clearly as possible to the universe. This can make your efforts much more powerful and effective.
3) Use Visualization To Grow Your Creative Power
Your ability to imagine and visualize what you want allows you to create anything that you desire. Try picturing your message to the universe as a letter stuffed inside an envelope. Imagine yourself delivering that message to the universe.
4) Don't Worry About The Results
After you communicate your message to the universe, let it go. Spending time worrying about whether or not your message made it through takes away its power. Think of it this way: if you sent someone a letter, you wouldn't sit around focusing on it, trying to make sure that it got to its destination. Instead, you would trust that it would be delivered. Take the same approach when sending messages to the universe.
5) Get Rid Of Negative Energy
If your mind is filled with negative thoughts, your desires won't get through to the universe quite as clearly. Using practices like performing yoga, meditating, or doing tai chi can all be beneficial ways to let go of negativity.
6) Trust That The Universe Will Reply
When you order something through the mail, you naturally assume that it will be delivered. More than that, however, you also begin preparing for it to arrive. For example, if you buy a new pair of shoes, you might clear out a space for them in your closet. When you send a request to the universe, you should adopt the same mindset, making room in your life for the universe to deliver what you asked for.
Another important aspect of receiving your request from the universe is to make yourself available. For instance, if you are hoping to meet the love of your life, you should put yourself in situations where that is likely to occur. Your chances of meeting someone special are a lot higher if you spontaneously go to a speed-dating event than they are if you hang out in your pajamas watching TV at home. Learn more about numerology and look out for signs, like 818 angel number.
7) Don't Let Your Actions Counteract Your Message
It is important to keep your energy aligned with your requests to the universe. For instance, if you have asked for more money but continually complain to your friends about not having enough, your actions and energy aren't in alignment with what you are hoping to achieve. This conflict can keep you from getting what you want. Instead of focusing on abundance, your attention is on not having enough. That means that you will continue to get more of the same in the future. If you really want more abundance in your life, you need to begin acting like it has already happened.
8) Understand Your “Intention Point “
I didn't start getting good results from the Law of Attraction until I learned about something known as the “Intention Point“. This helped clarify things in my mind and made a significant impact on my life.
9) Believe That The Results Are Coming
Once you have followed all of these tips, you have done exactly what you need to do to get the results you want. If you don't see results right away, however, it is easy to fall into the trap of worrying. The important thing to remember is that time doesn't matter to the universe. Even though it may seem like it is taking forever to get results, the wheels are probably already turning behind-the-scenes. In some cases, results come quickly. In other cases, they take more time. No matter what, you should always believe that the results are on their way.
10) Make Gratitude A Part Of Your Life
Gratitude is one of the most important parts of the Law of Attraction. Anytime you send thoughts out to the universe, you should do so with gratitude in your heart. This helps your message get through loud and clear, ensuring that the universe hears your request.
Remember – every time you send a message to the universe, the message is received. The only time problems occur is if you aren't entirely clear what you want or if you contradict your requests with your actions. It is also easy to overlook fortuitous events in your life that could help you get what you are looking for. Using all of the tips above, you can not only get your message out more clearly but you can also be prepared to receive your rewards.