Politeness is one of the best qualities that someone can have. Polite people put others at ease, ensure the comfort of others, and makes you look great. It’s a very underrated trait that we need more of today.
But what if you’ve never bothered being polite? It’s not too late to start. Luckily, it’s that something you can learn!
Here Are 10 Things Polite People Do Without Realizing It
1. They Respond Well To Correction and Criticism
It can be unpleasant to be told that you are wrong or to be criticized for something that you think you are doing well. But being wrong and being corrected are a part of life. It’s how we learn and grow – and polite people are very aware of this.
When a polite person is corrected, they respond in a positive way. They become curious about how to improve and may ask questions or request clarification. They will also readily admit their wrongs and will work to correct them. (1)
This is because polite individuals are mature and secure in themselves. They are not afraid of looking “dumb”, and instead, they are open to receiving constructive criticism that helps them to become better.
2. They Choose Their Words Carefully
Polite individuals know that words hold a lot of power. This is why they are always aware of the words they are saying and how they are saying them. Here are some ways to follow in their footsteps:
·They Don’t Overshare
Polite people know that there is wisdom in keeping some things to themselves. They won’t tell their life story to a stranger or tell embarrassing or awkward stories that would make others uncomfortable.
·They Don’t Ask Personal Questions
Even when they are very curious about someone, polite people do their best to be tactful. They know that putting others on the spot by asking overly personal questions can feel violating and uncomfortable.
· They Don’t Bring Up Things From Social Media
In this day and age, it is common for people to overshare. But even if a polite person knows personal details of someone else through social media, they are careful not to bring it up in person – unless that someone brings it up first.
·They Don’t Ignore The Elephant In The Room
It’s hard to know what to say to someone who has lost a loved one, just got divorced, or is going through any kind of rough time. But someone who is polite knows that ignoring this fact altogether is much more awkward than expressing kind condolences or words of support.
3. They Do Not Take Part In Drama
It’s easy to get caught up in all sorts of drama, both on and offline. A polite person has no interest in doing so. They would never dream of spreading half-truths about anyone else, and they do not want to hear about them either.
When they hear any rumors, they instinctively do not believe them. They are not the kind to make any sort of judgment based on speculation or malicious information that doesn’t come straight from the source.
If they are ever asked to pick a side, a polite person will respectfully remain neutral if they don’t have enough factual information to take an informed stance. They do not wish to waste any energy by participating in drama.
4. They Take The First Step
Polite people aren’t interested in playing power games. They don’t try to pull rank or status by expecting others to approach them first. They especially do not try to use that status to take advantage of others.
When introduced to someone new, a polite person will gladly greet them first. They step forward with a smile and speak respectfully to their new acquaintance. Plus, they strive to make others feel honored; they don’t feel the need to be honored.
5. They Communicate In A Positive Way
Someone who is polite knows how to communicate in an effective and positive way. These communication skills will speak volumes of their character and will help them get farther in life. Here are some of the ways that polite people communicate: (2)
· They Use Appropriate Volume
A polite person does not shout in public places and doesn’t speak too quietly to be heard. They know the value of understanding the difference between an indoor and outdoor voice, and what settings are appropriate for each.
·They Never Interrupt
Someone with manners listens closely to what other people are saying, and they do not cut in or interject. This is because they are focusing on understanding the other person, not finding a place to provide their own opinion. They desire smooth conversation, and this is the best way to ensure that.
· They Are Not Passive Aggressive
Polite people say what they mean. If they have a problem with something, they will tactfully say so. Passive aggression is rude and inappropriate, no matter the situation – and it’s a very ineffective way to get your point across.
· They Disagree Respectfully
Being polite doesn’t mean being a doormat. If a polite person doesn’t agree with what is being said, they know how to express that in a kind way. They would never force their opinion on others, and they state their case calmly and with a smile.
·Their Body Language Is Polite, Too
Polite words mean very little if they are accompanied by disrespectful body language. A polite person maintains an open posture, a positive expression, and reasonable eye contact when speaking to others.