“You Have the Power” by Jo Dunning
You can listen to the full audio recording of this incredibly powerful message on Jo Dunning's website (you'll need to scroll down to near the bottom):
The full transcript of the Jo's recording is below (some text was bolded by the CLN editor for emphasis):
It is so wonderful to have this opportunity to be together right now. I know, I know the world is in a challenging place in this moment. And so my goal, my heart's desire is to offer perhaps a little different perspective – a little bit of hope – and a great opportunity for your consciousness to wake up. We are in such precious, precious moments right now where we can make an enormous change in our entire world.
And as we are in our homes away from work, sometimes our children are home, each person has different things happening in their life right now. However, around the world many people are now Sheltering in place. They are asked to stay home. Many of you may have recently lost your job or have been told that you can't come to work and you unable to work from home. Or perhaps you have a loved one who is not feeling well. Or maybe you have others that you wish you could have contact with and you're unable to. I know that many many people around the world have tremendous concerns and worry right now and stress.
And so my goal is to help alleviate some of that – to let you know that there is really something very amazing taking place right now. And one of the things I plan to do is to stay in touch a little more regularly in some kind of special ways. So there used to be something that I would offer and send out an email, just a little inspirational moment. And they called them “Gems From Jo.” So you'll be getting one of those this week. If you want to open that email that's fine.
{NOTE: You can sign up for Jo's newsletter on her website: https://www.jodunningevents.com}
This is a moment of reminder of who you are in this world and the opportunities that are present for you. And from time to time, I will send out an email message so that you can have a little more support and a little more insight perhaps. And I want to remind you that the prayer list is available for each one of you. it's on the home page of the website: https://www.jodunningevents.com/ . Just scroll down a little bit and you'll see it. Anyone can list what you would like to have prayers or energy offered for. Every single day, that's how I start my day. I start with the prayer list and going through and noticing the names and the request and sending special energy, special prayers, special intention to each one of them. And that's there for you to use whenever you'd like to – especially right now, when we are in such challenging times.
And this is the time. This is the moment that so many people, for perhaps even millenniums, have been waiting for it to arrive!
And I am aware that there is differing opinions about what's going on in our world. What is causing the virus? Why cities and countries are being locked down and shut down. I am aware of many things like that much as you may be from the different news sources, from television and radio, perhaps for some of the YouTubes or Internet or some of your favorite people that you go to for guidance and wisdom. There are all kinds of ideas.
And yet I would like to add to that – the opportunity that Is present right now for each person in our world. And that means you! The opportunity that is present right now is to dramatically expand your Consciousness, your Awakening, your movement into Oneness. And to do this it requires solitude. It requires some free time. It requires the ability to go inside of yourself and find the place of Peace inside of you.
You know in the ancient traditions there was a time when midlife would come – the children were raised and that part of life was completed. And so that was the time when individuals would seek solitude. They would go off and find a cave, or a set up living in the woods someplace or find a way to have solitude to connect with their Divinity: the Divinity that dwells inside of each one of us. And the Divinity that dwells within everything around us, because we are all one in that Divine Essence. We are one in that. And so this is the Solitude; this is the time; this is the opportunity.
And all each one of us needs to do is be aware that we have this time, we have this opportunity and there is a reason for this. We are moving from one age, one Yuga it's called in the Hindu religion, from one age into the next. We are going from what would have been called Darkness into Light. We are moving into what many of you may have heard called is the Golden Age. So we have been hearing lots about this for a long long time, and many of you are very excited about the opportunity that is here, because you now have the solitude, you have the time alone. You have the opportunity if you can choose to take it, to begin to search inside of yourself to find that place of peace and of calm, and to begin to learn to retrain your mind.
Each one of us have allowed our minds pretty much to run freely as we go through life. And so we are learning now that we can direct our thoughts, we can direct our emotions, we can begin to take charge of the inner experience that we have. We can do that and it's not so difficult. It seems like it might be because we've never learned it before, and yet here we are. We have this opportunity.
Now, I know many people have what we would call in English “the rug pulled out from under you.” That means that suddenly the life that we've known, every day patterns that we had, or going to work, or going to the grocery store, or earning our living, or all of those kinds of things – has suddenly stopped. The rug has been pulled out from under so many of us.
You know, it reminds me of one time when I was on a walk with my very beloved and very elderly dog. And we were walking on a lovely path along a river, and up at kind of the top of the river bank. And there were lots of big boulders that kind of led down to the water itself. And my sweet little dog lost her balance and she tumbled, rolled down the Hillside. And in a few feet, three or four or five feet, she stopped. And she got up, and even though she was elderly, even though she has a difficult time walking, she climbed herself back up. And as soon as she was on the level ground she shook herself. She shook from the tip of her nose. She flopped her ears her whole back wiggled back and forth all the way down to the very tip of her tail. She shook it off, and then she began to walk down the path as if nothing had happened.
And that's where we are. We are at this place of shake It off, get up, and move on down this path called Consciousness, called Awakening, called the opportunity to move into this Golden Age. And it's here for you! It's here right now for you. So this is the time when you can use the tools that you have been studying, the tools that you've learned ,how to calm your mind, how to think in more positive ways, how to reach out and have compassion and caring for others.
Now, I know many people can't reach out physically – that's not needed. What's needed is our heartfelt desire to reach out, to embrace, to care about, and to create that Oneness that is within each one of us. So use your inner knowing. That means within each one of us we have a way of knowing our next step in life. We can feel it. It feels right to us.
We can remember when we were a child perhaps, and we were going to do something we knew was not okay, maybe take another cookie off the table that wasn't ours to take. And there's that feeling inside when you know it isn't quite right. And then there were other times when we did something that we knew was exactly what needed to happen. Maybe we said something kind to someone, or we help somebody find something they had lost, and there was another feeling inside of us that was wonderful and peaceful and kind of calm inside.
So that's that's the inner knowing it's there inside of you right now. And you can use that to follow the guidelines that are being asked of you, so that we can protect those who are more fragile right now. And there are some individuals who may be more fragile to this virus that is in our world. And so we want to protect them. We want to see that if we can help shelter them from being exposed to it. So be aware of that.
You might go through it very easily. Most people would quite simply might not even know that you have it or just something very mild and yet for some people it could be very challenging if they already have other issues going on. So we want to be sure to respect the guidelines that are being set around us.
You know, I had a very interesting email from one of the practitioners who also studies Homeopathy and she had the the virus and got ill with it. And she discovered that as her body went through that, he was able to realize that her body was detoxing large amounts of heavy metals. And so she took the different homeopathics to help with that starting with detoxing copper. And what she realized is that that virus is helping to pull heavy metals out of our body because the virus likes heavy metals. It tends to join onto those. And so it pulls them out of the places we've stored them in our bodies.
Well, one of the outcomes that has been sort of puzzled about through the decades is when a major virus of many kinds goes through a culture, 5here are some people that go into a spontaneous remission of the disorder that they had the disease that they had. and it was generally a disease that didn't have a specific known cause. Perhaps a little bit like autism, or perhaps like chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia a number of other things that we aren't quite sure what might be contributing to it, And yet these individuals after they had the virus they found that their symptoms went away and perhaps that's because they lost a whole bunch of these heavy metals out of their body. And so now their body could function more normally.
So this might be one of the wonderful benefits that we will notice as people begin to experience a light case of the virus and then notice suddenly their their body is much healthier and they feel better or their autism is not so obvious and they have many skills returning. So it was a very interesting email and a whole new perspective on what's happening.
And beyond that beyond that what my sense of what's going on in the world right now is this great awakening. Regardless of what might have created the virus who knows where it came from, why it is here, how it was created, any of those kinds of intentions behind it. We are here to change that into a whole new way of intending Awakening. And we do that merely, simply by managing our mind and our thoughts – by stepping away from fear, away from worry. Step away from concerns and into gratitude, into hope, into believing in the outcome that is possible for each one of us and setting the powerful energy of our intention into creating the world that we would each like to live in – a world where we all have plenty of food, plenty of pure water, longevity and health, abundance of finances, easy connection with all parts of the world.
All of the wonderful things of life that we can imagine could be part of our desire of using the power of our intention and imagine the life you want at its very best. An intention merely is your heart's desire linked with the thought of your mind. That's all intention is. And yet it is an incredibly powerful powerful tool that you have access to use every single moment. Every single moment, you can do that.
Now, we have learned through many types of science and experiments that one positive action, one positive thought ,one moment of loving-kindness or compassion or forgiveness or any of the higher vibrations, one moment of that is exponentially elevated. So it is like many many moments of that. It is expanded. And one moment of negativity is only one moment of negativity.
So be gentle on yourself. If you have a time when you feel frightened or concerned or worried, notice it. I's alright. We are going through a great transformation right now. So that might happen for a short time. And then immediately remind yourself to go back into your heart, to begin to awaken this kindness within you, to begin to feel the compassion and caring for all life around you.
And know that we will get through this. We will all be all right, we will have life again in abundance. And hold that space, allow that intention, allow that desire then to fill your being and therefore to echo through our world.
Each thought, positive thought expands. So become, you can be the hundredth monkey. You can be the one that has that powerful thought that finally ignites it all around our planet. So take that opportunity. If you meditate, if you're someone who enjoys what's called meditation, then do that. Use this time to do that.
Or if you're someone who prefers to listen to uplifting music, do that. Or perhaps maybe you're someone who enjoys praying or there is a particular way of praying in the religion that you follow. Do that. If you enjoy reading inspirational material, do that. Do the things that bring you Joy, that bring you happiness, that bring you calmness. And stay away from the other areas that create disharmony within your being, and begin to focus on the opportunity that is here right now.
Because we each came here to experience this moment. You wanted to be here right now. Now we didn't know what it would be like. We didn't know it might be scary to us. We didn't know any of the details. And yet you said I want to be there. I want to help! I want to help change the world and move everything up into a higher frequency. And I can be part of creating the Golden Age.
And you personally, individually right now have that opportunity, because as you do that, you raise the vibration of yourself, and in raising the vibration of yourself, you raise the vibration of everything around you. And as everything around you raises its vibration, so does everything around that. And pretty soon, your kind thought, your gentle moment, your loving presence, in even a nanosecond, is reverberating around the entire world.
Did you ever dream you could be so powerful? Did you ever imagine you could be the key piece in helping to raise the vibration of an entire planet? And you have that opportunity. right now in this moment, today. And in this next moment, and in the next moment, and in the next moment. It's your choice. It's your free will choice and that's why you have free will. You are the only one that can choose to do it.
You have the free will to take charge of your mind, to take charge of your emotions, and to create joy, gratitude, peace, harmony, compassion, loving kindness inside your being, as the essence of your being. And allowing your true nature then to begin to radiate through the cells of your body, out through your energy field, and all around the planet. So this is good news. This is great news. This is your opportunity. So use it. Use it wisely!
Be a part of helping to awaken our entire world – it is possible. It is possible and it is happening, and you can participate in it actively. So feel the joy, feel the anticipation, know that this transformation is taking place, and you are helping to accelerate it even faster with each of your thoughts, each of your intentions, each of your kindness as you reach out to others. Share your love, share your compassion.
You are part of this. And not only are you a part of it, you are a key piece in it. The world is counting on you to do it. We are counting on you. I bet you never thought you were so powerful, so important, and that so many know the value of your simple thought.
And as each person in our world wakes up to the power within them just like you are, our whole world will change very rapidly into something absolutely magnificent. So allow this time right now to calm, to go inside, to be at peace, to find your way to be a part of joy, happiness, gratitude, compassion – all of those higher frequencies. Find your way.
I know some people that feel absolute joy when they're dancing. Well, put on music and dance. Enjoy it. Let your heart felt joy fill you, whatever it is, however it happens. You know yourself, you know, how you do things. You know what you want. Allow that joy to fill you, as if it is already so, as if it is already within your world. As it is inside of you, it can become in the world. So allow that, allow that, allow that moment to awaken.
And in this moment, it is possible, and all of life will respond to you. You'll notice birds will come closer. Or you'll hear the sounds of amazing things. This morning, I heard the sound of a bird inside of my chimney. Is that possible? Sitting inside of my chimney singing the most gorgeous tune. Of course, I thought perhaps it was stuck so I opened the flu. I opened the doors. No, it went up and out.
And just now as I was speaking a beautiful red cardinal landed on a branch right outside my window – beautiful brilliant red cardinal. The messages of Truth are all around us. The beauty continues all around us.
In many parts of the world right now, spring is arriving. In many parts of world if you're south of the Equator, you are going into this time of fall, and into the winter, into that time to go inside. So enjoy the season wherever you are. If you are allowed to be outside, go sit in the sun go enjoy the moment, go breathe some fresh air. If you're allowed to go out and walk, do that. If you are requested to stay inside of your home, do that. Open a window if you can, sit in the sunlight,
Listen to the sound of birds as they pass by. Shout out your window to a neighbor. Say hello, say good morning, how you doing? You know, there are beautiful videos of different countries as they are out on their balconies singing together. It's so gorgeous. It's amazing. People are waking up. People are caring. People are finding creative new ways to connect and love and share the Divinity, the true nature, that is within each one of us.
So be part of this. Share what you have from inside of you. Let it blast out into the world. You are important. Your thoughts matter. Your moment is now. You came here. Allow your light to shine into the world and wake up this darkness and allow us all to live in the light from now on.
So, my deep, deep love to each one of you. I am here. I am loving you. I am caring for you. And, I am sending you energy every single day. So, take that next step on your own and be the light that you are in the world.
My very, very deep love to you. And, good bye!
Jo Dunning