Beginning Energy for Maha Tapas
It is time that the world consciousness shifts towards oneness – for oneness transcends every form of division – be it on the basis of race, religion, belief, gender or ideology. World Oneness Day (on 7-March-2021) is not an ordinary meditation gathering. It is the noblest of causes and an extraordinary phenomenon: a massive resonance that will impact the Earth. This is the first time ever (something like this has happened). On that day, there will be over 10 million people from across the world all of whom will move into a magnificent state of oneness and all 10 million people will give Deeksha for pushing the world towards oneness. The HeartMath organization will measure the electromagnetic changes to our magnificent Mother Earth during and after the Deeksha giving.
To create this tidal wave of oneness and to generate Deeksha power that will flow through millions, Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji will be moving into Maha Tapas for 21 days – ALONG WITH YOU! On the 13th February, Sri Preethaji and Sri Krishnaji will be initiating those who who are not yet initiated into becoming Deeksha givers for giving Deeksha for oneness. You will then give Deeksha to the world! It will be a part of your Tapas (spiritual practice).
First, watch this brief introduction to what you will experience in the the 2nd video below (Initiation into Tapas for World Oneness):
REPLAY: Initiation into Tapas for World Oneness – Starting on 13-Feb
Be prepared for a wonderful and super empowering experience.Ā The video below was recorded on 13-Feb from the Ekam Oneness Temple, located in Varadaiahpalem, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Here's more information about Maha Tapas and on becoming a Deeksha giver in preparation for World Oneness DayĀ on 7-March: