Whether you are wondering what exercise you should be doing or what healthy foods you should be eating, one this is for sure, when exercise and eating come together, the answer is your body needs protein after a workout, immediately.
Food is probably the last thing you are thinking about as soon as you have run your body ragged during a powerful fitness routine. Out of all possible activities to undergo while you are sweating profusely after going hard in the gym, why do you need protein after a premium workout?
How Much Post-Workout Protein
What are some typical guidelines for consuming protein after a workout, and how soon? Post-workout protein should be consumed within the first hour after your workout has concluded. Women generally should aim to get their protein during the first 30 minutes, and men should get the hands-on some protein within an hour of their workout.
In terms of how much protein women should aim for, the sweet spot is between 10 to 20 grams post-workout, and for men, the range is between 30 to 40 grams.
What forms of protein can you take to fill the void that your body needs after an intense workout? You can have fruit, and veggie smoothie with dairy-free protein powders, almond milk with vegan protein powder, granola and Greek yogurt, hard-boiled egg with pita, hummus, and vegetable sticks, dried fruit and nut trail mix, nut butter and fresh fruit, and you can also go with crackers and cheese.
If you are able to make yourself a smoothie with protein spinach, fruit, and MCT oil, you may also get the added benefit of feeling quite full after your workout as well. If you would rather just prepare lunch or dinner instead of a snack, eat a meal within that first post-workout hour that is full of healthy protein and vegetables. If you are in a hurry and need something fast, grab some hard-boiled eggs if you can.
Why is Eating Protein Post-Workout so Important?
Dietary proteins consist of amino acids that are the building blocks for muscle building and muscle repair. Exercise, such as strength training, is also beneficial to building muscle and works by creating microscopic tears to the existing muscle.
But it is the actual protein we eat that does its job by getting broken down into amino acids, which delivers the nutrients that are necessary for the repairing process of these damages to heal up and give you the desired benefits that you are doing all of this strenuous work out for in the first place.
If You Don't Eat Protein After Your Workout…
Protein is essential to repairing your muscles; therefore, if you don't eat protein post-workout, quite simply, it means that your muscles can't efficiently repair, which leads to inflammation and an increased chance of getting hurt.
The inability for your body to repair itself is the culprit for many overuse injuries that people suffer from because of not having the proper repair nutrients like amino acids from proteins the body needs to support muscles and tendons.
The takeaway that is most beneficial here is that eating protein after you have concluded your physical workout is a strong way to repair the muscles that you have ripped in order to get more ripped and muscular, as well as minimizing your chances of enduring an injury. Help your body to recover faster and to stay as healthy as possible by making sure that you consume some protein portions during the first half-hour of your workout, and if not that soon, at least within the first-hour post-work.