I was having a beer with my uncle outside in his yard and he was telling me about his Portuguese friend who once went high to work. My uncle was describing him saying that he had turned into a different person, cracking jokes and laughing so much.
They both live in Switzerland and they used to work together. My uncle admitted experimenting with weed and he said that it made him “forget all his problems”. I was laughing so much while he was telling the story. I was wondering if people there use cannabis products. It turns out that CBD in Switzerland is easy to find.
Oils like CBD can be so beneficial to one’s health. There is another one called Copaiba Oil. There are differences between Copaiba and CBD even though they both can be used to treat inflammation.
Anyways, while we were drinking beer and talking about weed, my uncle was smoking a cigarette also. Then I started thinking which one from these three could be the most dangerous one for our health?
Alcohol vs Marijuana?
It has been a huge debate for a long time over whether alcohol or marijuana is more dangerous? Although marijuana has been legalized in some states, alcohol is totally legal in all states.
If we go a little back in time, while talking for marijuana and alcohol, former President of the United States Barack Obama said, “I don’t think it (marijuana) is more dangerous than alcohol”.
Furthermore, based on studies that have been done in this matter it turns out that alcohol is way more dangerous than marijuana, especially weed from a marijuana dispensary. Drinking alcohol is actually way more lethal than smoking pot. Overdosing alcohol is one of the biggest threats to one’s health.
What do the stats say?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC), 88,000 deaths occur each year as a consequence of alcohol. And, now you probably are wondering how many die each year as a consequence of marijuana? Well, the answer is; zero! And yet marijuana is considered a Schedule I drug, viewed worse than cocaine which is a schedule II drug.
According to some studies, alcohol, nicotine, heroin, and cocaine are classified as high risk at the level of individual users. But when looked for the overall population risk, alcohol is considered as high risk.
There are many factors to take into consideration when doing this comparison, but science has shown that alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana. Now it does not mean that marijuana does not have its bad effects.
When the seeds are the highest quality then marijuana is safer than ever. The best seeds on the market are feminized hemp seeds which can be bought from different countries like Switzerland.
Marijuana, Alcohol, and Memory
If you are reading this article you probably smoke or drink, or maybe you do both. Well, you probably don’t remember exactly what happened on the nights when you were drunk but you do remember what happened on the nights when you were high.
If you overdose alcohol you will go to the “blackout” mode and you will do things you won’t remember. On the other hand, some studies say that if you smoke a lot of weed you may have difficulties learning and studying in the future.
The takeaway
Both alcohol and marijuana have negative effects on our health but studies have shown that alcohol is way more dangerous. Anyways, both are big industries nowadays. Many states have legalized marijuana and there are countless cannabis companies operating with numerous cannabis marketing campaigns.
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