When working out, most men have chest developing on their goals list. Because there are quite a few muscle groups in the chest area, only adequate physical exercises, and a good diet, can help them grow. The workout session should contain exercises that target the desired groups of muscles, to train them and stimulate the production of more muscle tissue.
So, in the case of muscles, physical effort is the only method that makes them grow bigger and stronger. What’s the best chest exercise? Specialists claim that dips are one of the best things you can do for your chest. Here are the reasons why.
Focus on doing the exercise right than on the number of reps you perform
If you want proper muscle development, you should focus on quality rather than quantity. In other words, it doesn’t matter how many reps you do, if they don’t work out the muscles right. It’s better to perform a lower number of reps and try harder to do the exercise in a correct manner. In time, as your muscles grow and get stronger, you will be able to increase the number of reps.
But learning to perform an exercise right from the start can get you a long way. So, make sure you have an instructor show you how to correctly execute dips or any other exercise you want to do. Once you acquire the right knowledge and skills, it will be easier to achieve your goals.
Why are dips so great?
The reasons to start doing dips for a bigger chest are quite numerous. This type of exercise will train the muscles in the chest area like no other, so you can reap the benefits in no time. Here is why you should include them in your workout ritual if you want to enjoy a bigger and better-shaped chest.
Dips target the chest muscles better
This is certainly one of the main reasons to perform this kind of exercise. If you want to develop a particular group of muscles, you need to train that group by performing adequate exercises. With the help of a dip station, you should be able to see noticeable results in a relatively short period, if you execute the exercise right. And the good thing is, there are number of different dip bars and dip stations for home use, which means that you don’t even need a gym membership and can work out from the comfort of your home.
In comparison to bench presses, dips will make your front chest muscles work harder. It’s not uncommon for those working on bench presses not to enjoy the desired results, in spite of their efforts.
You’ll get the chance to work more muscle groups in the upper body area
When working out to get a better body shape, you should consider getting balanced results. So, if you want to have a bigger chest, you should also think about having bigger biceps, shoulders, and back as well. This way, you won’t look disproportional and the obtained results will be more natural. In the case of dips, because your feet are off the ground, you’ll activate more muscles in the body’s attempt to balance itself during the exercise.
Your chest will get wider as well, not just bigger
Dips work great on the chest area because it pushes all the muscles in the area to work hard. This includes the muscles surrounding the middle chest area, muscles that are not targeted by other types of exercises most of the cases. So, if you want your upper body part to get that trapeze shape, doing dips is certainly the best way to achieve such results.
You will learn to master your bodyweight better
There are other exercises, except dips, which use your body’s own weight for training. So, once you get familiar with performing dips, you’ll be able to use the experience and skills gained this way to perform other similar exercises. Your body will learn how to balance itself easier and you’ll have the possibility to get the most out of training.
How to correctly perform dips with the help of dip bars
Executing an exercise correctly is a must if you want to enjoy the desired results as fast as possible. The number of dips doesn’t matter if they were done in an inadequate manner. So, even if you won’t be able to do too many at first, at least try to do them correctly. In time, you’ll gain more muscle mass and strength and you’ll be able to perform a higher number of reps. Just be patient, as muscle mass gain happens in time, with an adequate workout routine and proper diet.
- Grab the dip bars with your hands;
- Lift your feet off the ground by bending your knees and pulling the legs backward;
- Lean your half upper body forward a little;
- Spread your elbows so that they are out of the line formed by your shoulders; this will give you more stability during the exercise;
- Take your knees a bit forward, making a “C” with your body;
- Use your abs in a contracted position to maintain your pose for the exercise;
- As you go down in a dip, make sure your head remains in the same line with the spine;
- Go up and repeat.
What not to do when performing dips
- Do not allow your shoulders to move during the exercise
There’s a general tendency to take the shoulders forward as you perform the exercise, especially when descending in a dip. To avoid this, be aware of your back’s position and keep it contracted, preventing your shoulders from moving forward.
- The way you move during a dip should be smooth
If you are bouncing or swinging, there’s no point in doing dips because they won’t work for you, as they are done in a wrong manner. You will have to focus on performing a smooth movement to execute dips correctly. In case you’re finding the exercise too hard for you, it’s worth decreasing the range of motion until you gain more resistance. This means to go down as much as you can to start.
- Do not completely lock your elbows at the top
When you reach the top position, you should stop for a few seconds before locking your elbows in position. This will enable you to work those muscles all the way up.